Dateline 11-7-2016
/It's a new week, everyone is either back home, back to work, or back to their regular routine so now it's time for me to get back to work as well. It was nice to pretty much take a week off, only working the day job and slopping out a daily post before spending the rest of the day with the family. So, I pretty much took a week off from school, but more importantly I took some time off from being alone.
Now I feel like there has been a bit of a reset and I'm ready to get back to work on everything that I'm usually up to with actual energy instead of just going through the motions. I have about three tasks left to complete my latest Android assignment which I can't see taking more than a day or two.
My hope is that I will finish everything to do with the functionality and appearance of the app before I fall asleep. Tomorrow, I plan to focus on polishing my code in order to clear out the trial and error lines as well as the placeholder notes and to-do lists that aren't meant to be seen by the instructors.
I'm pretty sure I'll pass and am pretty proud of my work so far.
Not only am I back on track work wise, now that I'm back on my "medicine," my sleep schedule is back to being manageable as well. I'm no longer staying up until the sun rises and am back to waking up early enough to finish the day job before noon. Granted, I didn't pull that off today but I did wake in time to accomplish this goal if I were to push for it.
Now it's time for my nap to split the day. As soon as I awake, it's off to work on the assignment and I can't really wait because it's been a while since I've had enthusiasm toward the task at hand and I can genuinely say that I am excited to get back to school and of course, I'll keep you posted on how it goes.
Talk to you tomorrow,
The Wicker Breaker