Dateline 11-8-2016
/Well, I did it, I left the house to officially place my vote...
Though I received my ballot about a month ago, I wanted to wait for the day to make my vote official. That's not to say making my wishes official will have any impact on the world but I did go through the process to pretend that I'm actually part of the game.
Since I live in Southern California, I have no doubt that Hillary will win the state. That's why I was very frustrated by the Hillary fear mongers pushing that lie that a vote for a third-party candidate is a vote thrown away. This argument is usually followed by seemingly scripted talking points about why this election is not the one to try to start a movement and why we should wait until the next presidential election to make a move.
First off, this would have been the best election to make the power move to opt out of the two party system. With two completely beatable candidates to between to stick to status quo, all it would have taken was some optimism and commitment to real change to make something happen. Instead, we gave in to defending abusers with the same type of low self-esteem that will keep an abusive relationship going strong despite the fact that we know we can do better.
Now, no matter who wins there will be a monster behind the wheel. As I said in the past, I at least feel that both sides will drag their feet and be very open with their issues about Trump. I feel when it comes to Hillary, the corruption will continue only, instead of hearing anger there will be four more years of people defending poor politics because god forbid a Democrat do wrong.
At least with Obama's eight years of unfulfilled hope, I could honestly say that I see why people are won over by his personality. He can make his middle of the night shady deals then go on a show hosted by a Jimmy and everyone loves him again. I don't see that happening with Hillary because she has no idea how to be human since she sold her soul to politics and power.
The reason I am more focused on my hatred of Hillary is that I consider myself a left-leaning independent that usually votes Democratic if no third party candidate piques my interest. I never had a single thought of voting for Trump so I fully expected the negative news no matter which Republican landed the roll of this election's boogie man. He was a very good boogie man so he didn't disappoint, it was the boogie woman with right wing greed that stole my focus when she stole the Democratic nomination.
Go ahead and call me a bitter Berniebro, but the Democratic race was definitely hijacked which I see as another reason the Democrats should not be rewarded with a victory. I read somewhere once that my personality type (for what it's worth) has high standards when it comes to morality but in a way in which morality is very subjective and not the morality of the mainstream. This is why I'm more offended by a party that is supposed to be the "good guys" falling through on promisses over the "bad guys" being bad. This is also why I see a third party vote this year as being equivilant (not equal) to those that voted against the Iraq War even though the vast majority of polititions voted for a never ending war.
Tonight it will all be over and I'm sure everything will go back to normal after the next destracting event leads us to forget about this election all together as we buy into the next needed conflict to fuel the divide of mankind.
Well done America!!!
Talk to you tomorrow,
The Wicker Breaker