Dateline 5-25-2016
/This has need a weird week so far. Even though I feel fine mentally, I feel physically drained. Even after a solid night's sleep I feel like I barely have the energy to move. I think this might be the root of my uninspired feelings as of late. My benefits start at the beginning of the month so if this keeps up, I'm definitely going to set an appointment for a checkup.
It sucks that it is taking these benefits so long to activate. I started the process over two months ago after deciding, with my therapist, that it might be best to get me back on my mental meds. I was approved pretty quickly, pretty much a week after submitting my form, that too was over two months ago yet here I sit and wait.
I know I can't complain because I'm freeloading off of a system that I am actually paying into. Say what you want about state supplemented healthcare but I do still pay taxes, I just don't work enough hours to qualify for benefits through my day job and don't make enough money afford seeing a doctor any other way.
I also know that I can't really complain because all of this is my own doing, years of making poor life choices while chasing a dream have left me broken and lost. I knew this was part of the gamble if my ideas didn't pay off, I just wasn't expecting everything to hit at once, especially at a time in my life when I'm actively putting effort into making a change.
Oh well, this change is still new and I'm nowhere near figuring it out but as always, I'll keep you posted as I do. Until then, I think I need to lie down for a while to hopefully build up enough energy to start my next class.
Talk to you tomorrow,
- The Wicker Breaker