Dateline 6-14-2016

I think I've figured out a way to work through the issue I was talking about in yesterday's post. The problem being, struggling between the choice to continue my education efforts toward a new career or revisiting old dreams to fit in some creative writing. 

I have no intention of giving up on either, however, my latest plan up until Saturday night was to focus on the career change until I could afford to hire people to help me take my writing to the next level. I want to hire a real deal editor to catch my dyslexia induced typos and weird wording that I've developed as a screenwriting style.

I never wrote much standard prose which doesn't require the brevity required for the screen. I'm getting better at useful flowery language but could still use a coach to help me reword the, he said, she said intros to dialog, that is simply taken care of in a script by placing the quoted character's name just above the text of the speech.

I wasn't much of a reader growing up because of my mixed up brain and didn't pay much attention in school so I've developed a lot of bad habits as I taught myself how to muse. This is why I've never been confident in my writing even though I will defend my content to death. I know how to tell a story, I just get mixed up with the words and this is why I want to wait to hire help.

I also love what I'm learning about web dev and apps. I can't wait for the day when I can write code with minimal help. This is why I don't like the idea of taking breaks from my learning until the syntax sticks.

Sunday I found that my head was stuck in story while I was taking my class. That's why I was afraid that I might have made a mistake. I feared no matter what I was working on my mind would be working on the reverse because as I wrote I felt guilty about the app I didn't finish so I ended up getting nothing done.

Yesterday, however, I got deeper into my grove. I'm not in it yet but I can feel that I'm working it all out. Instead of worrying that I'm not doing enough I started to see just how much I was getting done.

I started it all out with the day job and daily Wicker post, then moved on to exercises, followed by a brief moment of doubt. After that, I just started working to see what I could do. I finished the app for my assignment and then took a break, finishing the day working with my new intro to my old novel as I'm finally going to write a second draft.

Hopefully by the time I finish this second draft, I'll also be earning an extra buck or two from my newly acquired software skills. At that point, I also hope to have a better draft as a jump off point for my hired help. 

At least that's the plan.

As always, we'll see what happens and I'll talk to you tomorrow,

- The Wicker Breaker