Dateline 6-18-2016
/Yesterday I posted that I was finding my groove, today I think I'm in it.
As I pointed out yesterday, part of my productivity problem was the fact that I was back in introductory lessons after recently finishing a similar course on Android App Development. Though I like this instructor's teaching style, as an introductory course there's no avoiding cross-over material.
I'm fine with the repetition while I'm still in learning mode but I lacked the drive that I have when I'm learning something new. The past two days were filled with all new information that held my attention, flipping the switch within me, to where I am now all in.
I now have a real-world project in mind that I want to work on as soon as I complete the course. Once I'm done, I hope to be able to keep to a schedule where I work on my daily obligations (work, exercise, and my Wicker post,) and then spend the rest of my day either working on my real-world app project or writing, depending on how I feel.
I think this might lead to a productive period. Granted, I'm always pretty productive, only self-education doesn't feel as fulfilling because no one takes it seriously. I hate how other's perspective effect my feeling of worth but minus money it's hard to defend a dream.
Even though I deal with them on a daily basis, these feelings of doubt have never really slowed me down. In fact, my stubborn ambition may be the source of my isolating ways. That way I can fail all that I want without the pairs of pennies from everyone's thoughts.
I just hope that one day, this gamble will pay off and I can exit my cave with my head held high.
Now I need to get to work to expedite my venture into my next game plan.
Talk to you tomorrow,
- The Wicker Breaker