Dateline 6-20-2016

As I'm getting more and more into app building I'm beginning to notice two things.

One, I no longer have a need for sleep. Just like back when I used to get passionate about a writing project, I'm finding that all my focus is going into projects to the point where I can't settle down at the end of the day. I just keep going until I hit the point where I'm doing more harm than good, at which point I lay down and daydream about potential projects. During these time, I feel like I want more sleep but I just don't need it.

The second thing I noticed is, again just like when I was passionate about writing, I'm starting to daydream about some weird ass projects that for brief windows of time venture into the dream realm more than reality to the point where I think there is genuine potential to change the world. Reality always sets in upon waking, but these delusions are often exciting to entertain.

Last night, I learned how to build apps that collect data from other websites to populate information within my program. When thinking about what I could do with this new power, my first thought was to build an app that all it did was collect profile images and heights from any public website and allow users to guess whether the person in the photo is taller, shorter or the same height and then keep track of where the user stands based on the images they've viewed.

That's it.

There would be no sharing of names, no way to interact with others, just sorting people by size. I have interesting design plans in my head but other than that I kept telling myself that there is enough novelty to this idea that people would have to at least check it out.

Up to this point, the daydream was still grounded in reality but then I started to think of the profit potential which sent me into a world of fantasy. For some reason, I dreamed that people would pay for this nonsense, not much but enough to finance the next project that would combine the use-centric features on a bigger scale. 

The content and customers would always outweigh profit and power which would, in turn, grow an audience that appreciate the mutual respect. Any payment would be either sliding scale or optional and I'd only advertise products and services with the same frame of mind.

No ads for "get rich schemes" or ways to get out of debt by going into debt with a new company, or companies that are already well established and mining for every nickel and dime. I would grow to the point where I was a money making monster just like the 1% that I hate so I would have to start investing in other's projects with shared ideals. 

This would grow out of hand to the point where I would change the world for the better but then I wake up. 

It's these unattainable dreams that both keep me going and keep me down because as fun as this all sounds, I'm also fully aware that airborne swine and a chilled underworld are more likely outcomes but I hope to fall into a place of comfort as I chase these dreams, which is all one can really ask. 

Alright, it's hot. I'm about to jump in the pool for a while before I put the finishing touches on my latest app before moving on to the next lesson.

I'll let you know how it turns out.

Talk to you tomorrow,

- The Wicker Breaker