Dateline 6-23-2016
/Oh man, I'm feeling exhausted... I don't know if it's the fact that I'm feeling too inspired so I can't sleep as thoughts race through my head or if it is the heat but it seems to be getting worse and worse. It's most likely a combination of both.
I hate this time of year, especially now that I'm back in San Diego. When I was in Seattle it would only get intolerably hot for maybe a week at a time but for the most part, it was the misery level never got too high. Now that I'm home I feel I can't fully function from June to damn near Christmas.
At least it feels like it stays hot until Christmas now that stores start setting up their displays in September. Anyways, the weather has been dancing in and out of the tolerable stage which has turned me from a person who was getting a perfect night sleep to a person whose sweat filled slumber is constantly cut short from the heat.
I think it also has something to do with the extended day time that comes with summer months. As a night person, prefer gray to black skies so when summer comes I find that I switch to almost a graveyard schedule in an attempt to cut down on the light as much as I am trying to escape the heat.
My problems right now is that I'm in the transitional stage where I haven't quite given into the idea of sleeping through the day even though I have given up on an early bedtime. There was a long period of time where I was waking up around 8:00 in the AM, which I've never been able to pull off when I had a nine to five job but found that I liked it when I was doing it on my own terms.
I liked the early start so much that it might be why I'm struggling with this year's transition into a graveyard schedule. I liked having all my daily obligation done by noon leaving me the rest of the day to learn. It hasn't really set in that since I'm now staying up until 6:00 or 7:00 in the AM, I can get my work done by 8:00 in the PM and still have all night to do what I want.
I'm sure I'll adjust soon but this is what I'm dealing with until then; four hours of frustrated sleep, in a pool of sweat on an otherwise perfect bed (which I am still very happy with, by the way).
Oh well, that's what I've got for today.
Talk to you tomorrow,
- The Wicker Breaker