Dateline 6-27-2016
/Yesterday I was complaining about getting writer's block days after feeling that I was making progressing in finding my blogging voice. I don't know if I would say that it is actual writer's block though because creating content has never really been a concern to me. I may not always be entertaining or insightful but there is always something on my mind.
The problem is that I don't always want to share these thoughts running through my head. At the same time, I also feel that I should share these thoughts to get them out of the way. For example, I don't like writing about politics because I'm tired of the way every idiot is an expert these days and these idiots share their views as if they have the unflawed answers to all of the world's needs.
I am an idiot that would be great at this game. Since I'm a left leaning centralist when it comes to politics I can find flaws in either and often both sides of the argument. With neither side willing to give an inch, the whole process of boolean based politics seems rather pointless which is why I don't like to get involved in the obnoxious political dialog that clutters my computer screen.
So, what often happens when I'm experiencing this "writer's block" that I was complaining about, is that I will sit at my computer fully prepared to say fuck it and just spew out a rant or a rave, but then I realize that in doing so I would be giving in to the idiot within by sharing my unasked for expertise that I've gathered from fellow idiots with unbudging bias beliefs that they've collected the same way.
When this happens, I get so stuck in the back forth of whether or not I should just get it off my mind in order to move forward, that I find it hard to come up with a new topic, which usually leads to freeform rambling just like this.
So there you have it, my thought for the day!
Talk to you tomorrow,
- The Wicker Breaker