Dateline 6-4-2016

Today is my favorite of days in my cycle of poverty, for today is the day I get paid!!!

Well, I received my paycheck yesterday; I just didn't cash it until today. Then again, in check form my payment means nothing, it's not until the bank turns it into cash that it has any value to me so I guess I was technically right in my first proclamation.

Anyways, I've started a payday tradition of sorts. Since I get a part time payment once a month I don't have much of a disposable income, so I spend most of the month plotting how I will spend my extra income. I bounce back and forth between wants and needs and when the day comes, I walk to the shopping center where my bank resides and blow all my money in one fell swoop. Then I'm happy for about a week before I start plotting my next feast.

Actually, I think I'm able to be content because I actually do more thinking about what I actually need which ends up making life more manageable, comfortable or fulfilled. For example, it's starting to get hot down here in San Diego and last year my room got unbearably hot. I've been meaning to buy the parts to build a Redneck AC. I've been wanting to build this for months but it's been too cool to justify these parts winning my purchase of the month. Instead, I've opted to pay for more important needs like memory for my computer to make it run right again.

I can think of other examples but I haven't been wasting money now that I barely make any and hope this frame of mind carries over when I do manage to boost my income.

Back to my original idea...

Today I ventured over to the shopping center and finally the parts I need in an attempt to clean my room. The idea it to pump ice water through copper tubing that is zip tied to the front of a fan. The copper gets cold and the fan blows the cold air around the room. This makes sense to me so I thought I would give it a shot.

I currently have the fan all set up, I'm just waiting for the ice packs that I bought to freeze so that I can test it out. These packs won't be ready until later tonight so I'll let you know how things turn out tomorrow.

Talk to you then,

-The Wicker Breaker