Dateline 8-26-2016
/The other day I got feedback from my second Android App assignment. This was the scoreboard app that I shared the screenshot of the other day. The instructor informed me that my app was one of the best scoreboard assignments he's seen through this school. Here's a photo in case you forgot what it looks like.
I'm pretty proud of myself because I put a lot of effort into this. I think I'm going to add a timer to it and make it available online.
I'm currently working on my next app and I'm very excited about how it's turning out. My only worry is, now that I have it in my head that there is a high expectation from this compliment of quality, I'm afraid that I may be over doing it.
It took me a day to build an app the meets the scope of the assignment but I've spent three days adding bells and whistles and still have one more day until I'm done. I don't know if the instructors appreciate all this extra effort or if it comes across as showboating. Meanwhile, I just have a vision of how I want it to look in my head.
I don't know if it is the perfectionist in me or my low self-esteem that drives me to go overboard in everything that I do only to never commit to a final draft due to never feeling good enough. That said, I do feel that the visual aspect of app building allows for faster feedback and is less objective than my written content.
I'm really feeling that this medium will boost my sense of self-worth as I continue to grow as a developer and I'm very excited that I've actually found a hobby with the potential to evolve into a career that I would actually enjoy.
Now, it's time to get back to work.
Talk to you tomorrow,
- The Wicker Breaker