Dateline 1-5-2017
/So, I'm now five days into this Seeso Many Saturday Nights experiments and I already feel ten times happier about my life. It's been a while since I've had a creative outlet with an end product feel to it.
Sure I had these Daily Breaker posts but minus any focus, I ended up meandering through my thoughts out of obligation with hopes to stumble into an ongoing theme. I also had all the classes that I was taking to keep me busy over my year off from experimentation but my only output was samples of my progress with no end product to share.
Even the assignments that could be considered complete weren't technically my own creation. Though I got to tinker codes to create original user interfaces, the functionality of the apps I was building were limited to what was learned in the lessons with a very specific end result. Yes, this is fun but not all that fulfilling when it comes to my writing needs.
Though frivolous, this SNL experiment allows/forces me to do something that I love on a daily basis and it's not just the watching of the show that piques my interest. I love sitting down with pen and paper to take notes on something that other might find to be a waste of time. I also kind of like the pressure that comes with having a daily deadline. Having an end product complete every night before bed leaves me with a feeling of accomplishment that I just don't get with first drafts and prototypes.
Mainly, these daily mini victories give me extra energy toward the more mundane tasks I face throughout the day. I can't guarantee that this energy will last but above is the logic running through my head that allows me to hope that it will.
The plan for today is to fit in at least two episodes of SNL, one to meet today's needed review and one to have as a safety net review in order to be a day ahead of my self-made obligation. After that, I plan to get started on my final assignment for the Android for Beginner course that was required to sign up for the full blown Android Developer class that I'll be signing up for as soon as I'm done.
Now I just need to figure out a way to make money with this nonsense because that the main thing that's holding me back from feeling fully accomplished.
Alright, time to get to work.
Talk to you in a little bit,
The Wicker Breaker