Dateline 1-6-2017
/I swear that every president since I've been born has been accused of being the anti-Christ. Well, maybe not Ford but that's just because I don't know all that much about Ford since he was elected the year I was born president. I do know that he was clumsy and stupid thanks to Chevy Chase's portray of him on Saturday Night Live.
I didn't think Reagan was all that bad, but again, I was a child during his reign and he and Nancy had a Grandma and Grandpa vibe going on. I do remember his assassination attempt which may have been the first time I heard the term anti-Christ being thrown around outside of the Nostradamus documentary that terrified me and triggered my fear and fascination with the end of the world, at a very young age.
Then there was the first Bush that ran the country for the four years that I was in high school. At this point, I was really into comedy and started to follow the news to get the jokes made by comedians as well as shows like SNL and the Letterman show. He was the first president that I actually feared because he was all business and no charm. He might be the reason I lean liberal in my independent views.
I was a fan of Clinton, but I was also in my 20s during his reign and America was having a fun and frivolous time with the collapse of Communist Russia and having just won the first Gulf War with ease. It felt like we were on a path to peace because we were too powerful to worry about war as the sole superpower.
I do remember Clinton rubbing me wrong in his second term. Not because of the blow job, but because of the scandals that were piling up in his closet. I found him fun as a personality but shady as fuck when it comes to politics, but to me, the world was still at peace so I let all the bad stuff slide and had a favorable opinion of the man until the passing of time pointed out how some of his policies are at least partially to blame for how we got to where we are.
He did, however, change my view on politics. From his second term on I started to root for third-party candidates to get us out of this two party prison that we're still in today. That said, Gore was the first candidate that I ever voted for as I opted out of the first vote that I was eligible to take part in because I didn't trust anyone. This was also the first and last time I voted using the lesser of two evils technique.
My vote for Gore wasn't an enthusiastic one. I was so afraid of the first Bush and this new one wasn't looking any better. At least the first Bush seemed smart enough to be calculated in his evil plans. This new Bush seemed so scattered and stupid that it seemed impossible for him to win. I wanted to vote for Nader but on Election Day it felt too close to mess around.
Bush's win is when I lost my faith in the electoral system. I would say that I felt then the way that the anti-Trump crowd feels about this latest election so even though I'm not proTrump I am numb to the news of things not turning out how they should.
The second Bush was also the first president to run this country with the internet there to watch. I don't even think that it took 9/11 to start hearing claims that this Bush was the 3rd anti-Christ as predicted by Nostradamus. After 9/11 was the first time I heard that Nostradamus gave this anti-Christ a name, and that name was Mabus.
I remember reading articles using convoluted Nostradamus math to create this equation. OsaMA + Bush = MABUS. I went as far as to joke about it claiming that I was actually the anti-Christ because my initials are MAB and I am from the US there for I am MABUS and should be stopped.
After Bush, I fell for Obama even though he has the backward MAB in his name and he too is from the US and would eventually become the first president I remember being referred to as POTUS, which opens up all kinds of connections that I don't truly believe. Keep in mind, I'm using "what if" logic to crowbar these pieces into a puzzle prophecy interpretation.
My vote for Obama was the first vote I ever made without hesitation and will probably be the last. He was supposed to be the president of peace so I'm not all that surprised that people put him as the potential Mabus that will bring on the end of times. I wouldn't go quite that far but I was very disappointed by his first term when there was no end to war in site and it seemed like we were going in for more. This pushed me back into being a third party voter for his second term.
Then there was this election where I was all-in on Bernie and surprised that there was such a thing as a politician that would restore my "hope" for "change." Then both parties pulled the rug out from me with their fun and games leaving me with the choice between two candidates that I wouldn't trust to run this blog.
Then Trump won and here we are.
Though more people are referring to him as the next Hitler, that's a roundabout way of calling him the third anti-Christ (aka Mabus) and with that, I will share the convoluted Nostradamus math to equate Trump to Mabus.
- First, you take Trump's campaign slogan, "Make America Great Again."
- You then take the M from Make and A from America.
- Now this connection is quite a leap but that's how the Nostradamus people do. You then take, "Great" and what's another word for great? You got it "Best" where you get the B.
- Finally, he's the President of the US. You put that all together and you have Mabus!!!
Yeah, I'm aware that this was a long-winded set up to what was going to be a simple silly Tweet but as we get closer and closer to the inauguration, I can't help but feel that something horrible is going to go down with everyone tuned in to watch the conclusion of "American Politics: A True Reality Shit Show," and wanted to have this post as "I told you so," evidence if he does end up getting shot in the head only to come back to life a couple weeks later.
I really doubt that's going to happen but I just want to note that I feel like something really bad is going to happen on January 20th but keep in mind, the storyteller in me loves to play out these scenarios and you can't have a story without conflict so I tend to picture worst case scenarios in situations like this.
Well, that was a fun walk down my political path. I didn't really plan to go into that much detail but I'm kind of happy that I did. Now it's time to jump into my next set of activities which include working out and watch Saturday Night Live.
Talk to you later when I check in with my latest review,
The Wicker Breaker