Dateline 2-12-2017

This morning was rough but I think I'm finally getting over today's hangover. As I point out every time that I drink, I've cut my imbibing down to a couple days back to back once every few weekend. I also drank last weekend to try to make the Super Bowl fun but I wouldn't say that it's a building trend that anyone should be all that concerned with.

Last night ended up being a pretty fun night of drinking, much more fun than the Super Bowl. I started the day ready to do my thing and knock out a bunch of SNL reviews to finally create this backlog I've been dreaming about but then just as I got everything that I HAD to do for the day, I got a last minute message telling me I had to go up to my sister's house for a family event I was missing out on. 

Over the past couple years, I've become so reclusive that I normally get tons of notice to prepare for an increase in interaction. Luckily, I already planned to visit the family today, so the slight change in plans was too jarring. Keep in mind, I'm aware how overdramatic and mundane these issues are but that's the fun of a disorder.

To add some insight, I have a weird relationship with my dad and his side of the family where things seem fine but we don't know how to talk so I get anxious in the awkward silences. Since this family event was involved seeing them while they were in town I wasn't sure which way this visit would go so I was nervous about going up there.  

It seems like ever since I moved back to San Diego and after my dad's brother died, my dad's been putting more of an effort to talk to me without having the wife as a filter. I know she means well and is trying to communicate the feelings that he cannot but I'd rather talk to him about nothing than have him start a sentence to have whatever story he was trying to tell taken in another direction.

Once again, this trip went fine and I'm happy with the direction our interactions are heading. That said, I still needed to decompress in my shut-in world so I bought some boozes and buckled down to have a real good time watching YouTube.

Lately, booze just puts me to sleep so it was really fun having it work as an entertainment enhancer. I saw a remix of the guy from Boston who's blown about by seeing a clownfish that had me laughing so hard my ribs still hurt. I just remember being drunk to the point where I thought it was so funny that this was an actual person and not some kind of crazy character that you would say was too over the top if you saw him on a sketch show.

Now, all the holiday and family are over until sometime this summer when birthday season arrives but hopefully, I'll be back to a more social me because I think this is the year that I get better.

Oh well, that's how things went down. Talk to you tomorrow with more updates.

Sincerely yours,

The Wicker Breaker