Dateline 2-18-2017

I don't really have all that much to say today so I figured what better time for a garden update. I've been so lucky with the weather in San Diego this year because it's been a couple months since I've had to do more than a little spot watering. Other than that, nature's been in control of most of the water duties.

Sometimes I see the rain and sometimes I don't but every time I check up on things my plants have the right amount of moisture in the soil and still seems to be growing strong. There are a couple rows that aren't doing as well but every row is filled with plant life.

The only problem that I'm having is that all the water has washed away ay labeling system and I have absolutely no idea what is what. I do know that the bottom row is filled with leafy greens that I'll eventually be able to use to make salads. I can also see a purple patch in the middle that must be the beats that I can'ts waits to eats and there are carrots and bell peppers up top.

I really love the way this planter is beginning to look the fuller it gets with produce. I should probably get in there to thin out the crops but I'm still in the trial and error phase of my learning that I don't really know where to start or stop so I'm just going to see what happens and seed more conservatively on the next shot.

And now here is the picture you've been waiting for...

Talk to you tomorrow,

The Wicker Breaker