Dateline 2-22-2017

Yesterday ended up being pretty productive, not quite the way I envisioned it but productive nonetheless. After "publishing" my Daily Breaker post, I had to write a review for the episode of SNL that I watched the night before in order to stay ahead of the game. Now that I've got a system set up I can get all of my blogging (self-imposed) obligations done before noon.

Then I was torn between what I wanted to do next. Part of me wanted to jump right into the Graphic Design Bootcamp that I signed up for, but then I also feel that I should take the Digital Drawing course first to learn the ins and outs of my new Wacom Tablet before jumping into learning how to design. There was also a job that I wanted to apply for that required a rewrite of my resume.

Anytime I tried to start anything, my thought on what held top priority would shift back and forth between what I want to do and what I need to do, so, I decided to talk a walk to think things out.

When I returned from the walk my mind was clear and decided my top priority is to find a better job. So, I dug up and redid my resume, only to find the job that I was interested in applying to was already gone.

Though it's a little disappointing to not get to apply, I now have all the updated documents to start another legitimate search, only now I have a long term work from home entry in my resume so show that I can be trusted to work alone and I also have a new resume worthy credential that I hope will better my odds.

Today's going to be a job hunting day, but I'm also going to start the digital drawing class to build up to learn graphic design. That should be enough to keep me busy until this evening to make this another successful day.

As always I'll let you know what happens when I check in tomorrow to say hey.

Talk to you then,

The Wicker Breaker