Dateline 3-11-2017
/Time for a quick garden update!!!
It's been a couple weeks since I checking with a garden update so here we are. Nature did most of the work over the past month or so with all the rain that we've been getting down her in Southern California and now that the storm has passed my plants are getting some much-needed sun.
I'm pretty proud of this thing because everything seems to be growing super strong. I'm just still not fully sure how I'm supposed to know how to tell when the root vegetables are ready for picking.
About a week ago, I was out watering the crops when I noticed some red sticking out of the ground that turned out to be a little baby radish. I pulled one of these tiny starters to check it out and show off to the rest of the family.
At this point, the radish had a tiny stem which led me to equate stem size to how big I was guessing the rest of the radishes to be. After another week's growth, I thought for sure it was time to harvest the rest of the radish.
Not only were the stems nice and thick but based on the red that was sticking out of the ground, I thought I was going to get some big one so I bought some ingredients to make a fresh radish dip to celebrate my first gardening success.
Unfortunately, I pulled the first plant and saw absolutely nothing but roots. I started to dig deeper in but still, couldn't find the edible part of the plant. I moved on to the next one and though there was a radish attached it was even tinier than the first one I found one week earlier.
So, my plan to make my first garden dish failed but I replanted the radishes I pulled to revisit on another day.
All in all, I'm still happy with my progress, I just have to learn to be a little more patient. I also need to learn how to figure out what the hell I'm growing since my labels were all washed away.
Oh well, I watered the plants for the day, now it's time to get to work on my other exciting adventures.
Talk to you tomorrow,
The Wicker Breaker