Dateline 3-16-2017
/Well, yesterday was a mostly successful day. I managed to put in more work than I was planning into my Saturday Night Live reviews but still managed to wrap things up by late afternoon. I was excited because I finally got myself to a point where there was no back of the brain struggle as to whether or not I should be doing more which I thought would allow me to settle in for the night to watch a couple movies.
This is when I fell down yet another YouTube Rabbit Hole. This journey down the hole wasn't as fear based as the traditional meaning of the phrase as I didn't spend any time in the political realm of YouTube.
No, I just wasted a couple hours clicking on any click that I thought would lead to a giggle. Right now, I'm back to being obsessed with watching Irish people try things with a peppering of random weirdness that shows up in my recommendations.
I wish I would have noted more of this journey to have to better examples but it was really supposed to be a couple minute time killer that ended up filling the evening until I finally settled in to watch a couple movies.
Part of the reason I turned to YouTube as a time killer is that, I knew I wanted to watch a movie but absolutely nothing sounded good to me at the time even though I was full on Gung-Ho with the list I compiled a couple hours earlier.
I have so much anxiety these days that I'm going to be disappointed no matter what the movie that it's hard for me to settle in and start one up especially when I'm already enjoying what I'm doing. It's not even really that I fear that these movies will be bad it's my personal perception of story and cinema that leave me feeling constantly disappointed.
This is probably the saddest development in my life over the past half of a decade. When I felt my feelings fade away from my favorite form of entertainment the rest of my fantasy world started to fall apart and my real world fell shortly after.
This is why I'm always hesitant to give movies another shot because it brings up more complex disappointments than whether or not the acting was good or what could have made a better turning point. It feels more like seeing an old friend who is on a completely different path which is all I seem to be dealing with lately.
Oh well, it's time to go walk the dog and due to the extra work yesterday, I can revisit the idea of the movie marathon that I've been hoping to get to all week. Last night I got through They Live once again as well as a documentary called The Unbookables about crappy comedians on the road with horrible jokes as they wonder why they're not more famous.
This was a good start back in the water as They Live is a movie that I've already seen and was looking forward to revisiting with the current state of this government. The documentary, on the other hand, was horrible but due to the fact that I've never lightened up on my doc-watching, I was a bit satisfied in my disappointment.
Alright, time to stop rambling because the dog is about to explode with anticipation because I made the mistake of asking her if she wanted to walk before writing this long-winded explanation.
Talk to you tomorrow with what I end up watching.
The Wicker Breaker