Dateline 3-29-2017

You know how I was saying that I was super tired when I check in yesterday? Probably not because I doubt that I have anyone that follows the through line of these posts about my day to day life. Anyways, I've been tired because I stayed up for two days straight in order to work as many hours as I could for a job I landed on the weekend.

When I get these job offers it's first come first serve employment and I work until the queue is gone then go on to scavenge for more bits of work that is scattered throughout the internet. This switch up in sleep schedule must have reset my insomnia because I haven't been able to sleep well ever since.

Yesterday, I got done with all of my walking and blog obligations early so I decided to drink this sleep aid drink to force myself to get a significant nap. Even though my eyelids were heavy as hell, I still couldn't submit to slumber.

After about two hours of failed sleep, I got up to drink a glass of water. Of course, I was feeling some of the rest so I decided to head over to my computer to see if I had the energy to start my next Saturday Night Live review. That's when I saw an email saying that there was more work so I ended up cramming in another 14 hours of work. I was trying to fit in more but my body just wouldn't let me.

Hopefully, by the time I finish my daily obligations, there will still be some work in the queue because the work week for this company starts today so I still have 24 hours that I can work before hitting the maximum of 30 per week.

This week of exhaustion is going to be well worth it because this will be the first time that I've pulled in a full-time paycheck since moving back to San Diego. This will be enough money that I can spend some frivolously and then hold on to the rest.

Oh well, now it's time to knock out today's SNL review before getting back to work.

Talk to you tomorrow,

The Wicker Breaker