Dateline 4-29-2017

Oh, it feels so good to have nothing other than my blog stuff to do today. Granted, I am fully aware that most people are in the rat race and have to live by someone else's scheduling on a daily basis but that is their trade-off turn earn the living they require to meet the standard of living they want to live up to.

Personally, I find my time more valuable than my comfort so I am scraping by earning the bare minimum that I need to do what I want while training to find a way to generate money on my own. Whether I finally figure it out how to earn an honest income with my writing, or find some form of flexible work at home gig, I'm not going to give up this battle to keep the control of my time. 

I know this issue comes up from time to time but I figured now was the perfect time to rehash the topic since I'm expressing my excitement to having my first official weekend after leaving the house to do a full-time activity that hasn't even lasted an entire week.

I did, however, learn that I could fit in a full eight hours day and still fit in a Daily Breaker post and an SNL review as well. Granted it would have been much easier to do so minus the three hours of prep time and the commute but it's opened my mind to apply for more than just the part-time at home jobs that I come across when looking for work.

It's not that I don't currently apply for these fully time jobs, there is just a hesitation because I fear that it will throw off the schedule that I'm after, especially since I need to get back into the training that I put on hold since my contract wasn't extended from my last gig.

I just wish these online task jobs were better paying and more consistent because that would be ideal to literally be able to just work whenever I feel the need. Oh man, if I were able to pull that off, I would probably work myself to the point of exhaustion for a week or two and then do my own thing until I burn through the funds and repeat the process again.

We live in the age of the internet, why isn't this already an option? Well, other than the fact that everyone would be doing it, and I'm sure it would send even more jobs overseas because this is my competition name since a bulk of the task jobs have an extremely low wage that isn't even worth the effort from the average American.

Alright, I meandered through a couple topics there and think you should be able to get the point, so I'm going to move on to my next stage in the day. Don't worry, as always, I will be back tomorrow.

Talk to you then,

The Wicker Breaker