Dateline 6-5-2017
/It's Monday, which doesn't really mean all that much to me anymore, as my days seems to blend together, that said, I do use the calendar to create some sort of structure to my life. Usually on Monday, whether I report it or not, I have some sort of thing that I want to try out and use the start of the week as my jump off point.
This week, I am going to try something new. Rather than think ahead on how I plan to fill everyone moment of every day, I'm going to try to revert to the old me who was able to just go with the flow.
Note: This "go with the flow" approach doesn't necessarily equate to the "fuck it" mentality I that I will sometimes go into when I just feel like I need some time off. No, this won't be a bare minimum week like I often do on the weekend, instead, I plan to do what I have to do and then see where the rest of the day takes me while potentially remaining productive.
I already started the day in this frame of mind. Where usually, I would be disappointed with myself for starting so late, but I got tied up applying for a job due to a notification that came in my email. Normally, I would have waited for the portion of my day that I set aside for this sort of task but it feels much better to have it out of the way.
After I finish this post and my viewing and reviewing of Saturday Night Live, I may wind down the day by starting another course or getting back to my attempts to learn the bass or even continue to search for more work, it all depends on where the day takes me.
I'm going to try this approach for the entire week to see if it boost some of my enthusiasm toward things that I need to do that don't require some sort of challenge to help me advance to the next stage of my post-screenwriting attempt at a personalized life.
As always, we'll see what I end up getting to and I will let you know what I come up with.
Talk to you tomorrow.
The Wicker Breaker