Dateline 8-15-2017

From time to time I check in with these Daily Breaker posts to restate my intentions with this website. In fact, I just did this last week and as always the three main reasons are to maintain a daily writing routine, publish said writing so it doesn't just sit in my drawer as a draft, and finally, force me to practice writing in standard prose until I find my writer's voice to turn this from a hobby into something that could potentially support my minimalist life without having to give in to normalcy.

Every once in a while I feel like I've gotten real close to figuring it out and create a string of content that I am actually very proud of or at least make me feel like I've made it much further down the path.

Over the past couple days, I've written another batch of posts that have me feeling like I am leveling up, maybe not quite to the top tier but I feel that these posts are closer to what I'm going for rather than literally just updating my tiny online following on what I managed to do the day before in a page long rambling post.

Though I still see value in the mundane details of my daily routine as my playground to learn how to work with words, I fully understand why it doesn't pull in more than a handful of casual readers because it would be the same as watching an acting workshop instead of a focused rehearsal, let alone a well-polished final product.

Where I feel that I did actually find my voice when it comes to writing a screenplay, that voice wasn't a profitable one making the medium I once loved more than anything else a poor fit for what I am trying to accomplish.

The big difference between writing for the screen and writing a nonfictional blog is as open and honest as my screenwriting voice was, I could still blur lines of reality by mixing and matching the inspiring details to where I was still sharing truths under the fog of fiction.

With this nonfictional work that I share on this site, I still try to be as open and honest as I can but I often find that I censor myself before I tap into things that are too real, especially when there are others involved that aren't an amalgamation of individuals wrapped into a fictional character.

Even if these real people aren't actually involved in what I am attempting to say, since this is nonfiction, I find myself more worried about what these people who live in my head whether or not they are still in my life are thinking of the words that I share, even though the truths in my fictional work are twice as rough but I'm perfectly happy to share.

It's this slight self-censoring attempt that is blocking my ability to fully tap into my true writer's voice and though I tap into it from time to time I often revert to more mundane content when the extra effort leaves me feeling pretentious, depressed, and/or drained.

I'm pretty confident that one of these days the censor inside me will step aside just like it did when it comes to my screenwriting to where even though the content may not be mainstream enough to draw a crowd, my personal opinion of the quality will be consistent enough that I am 100% proud of my work where right now I'd say I'm at about 75%.

Either way, whether I make it or not, I'm proud of my efforts to stick to my guns in my attempt to sneak out of this world as a writer who left behind a stock pile of content worth exploring.

And now, it's time to get back to work on my other task, to then get back to work on my fictional content that I plan to adapt from writings for the screen to writings for a page as a massive story that is interconnected.

Talk to you tomorrow with another update.


The Wicker Breaker