Dateline 8-28-2017
/Alright, I'm getting a pretty late start to my day once again, but this time it is a good thing as I started the day cleaning up my space after neglecting it for about two weeks as I navigated a very unbalanced dance with depression, overcompensating productivity, coping with reality and ambitious planning as the stars to this one man show playing out in my head.
There was enough hope involved that I never sank into a full depression but working my way through the issue while fantasizing about an idealized payoff kept me too focused on my projects to have the time to focus on any of the self-maintenance tasks that I barely get involved with in the first place.
I think that yesterday's super early start to the day allowed me to get such a big chunk of Phase IV of my SNL Review Prep-Work Plan done to the point where I no longer feel this is an endless chore and I now see the light at the end of the tunnel to where this time-consuming/mind-numbing aspect will finally be done and I'll finally get to move on to do something more interesting, or at least new, with my time.
Just because the process is mind numbing and long doesn't mean that it's not important, in fact, it's important enough that getting it done ahead of time will free up multiple hours of my day throughout the rest of this challenge which still has over two years left until I will get to the end date.
I do think that focusing on this task is partially to blame for why I have been feeling down, being that the work involved has felt more like a job than any other aspect of this blog so far. Then again, the fact that this feels like a legitimate, not just for fun, task also feels a little validating in a way and this feeling blue is more of a case of feeling burnt out than the downright depression that I've felt in the past.
Hopefully, by the end of this week, I will not only have a clean living space but I should also be wrapping up Phase IV leading to a re-energized and enthusiastic outlook on the new potential as to what I can do with my new free time.
As for today? I clean, finish my daily-obligations, fit in whatever Phase IV work I can and get a good rest to hit it hard when I wake up tomorrow without having the things that I'm neglecting building up in my mind, that is unless I don't get around to doing laundry.
Oh well, that's all the rambling I've got for now, talk to you tomorrow with another update. Hope you are having fun.
The Wicker Breaker