Operation Achieve Anything: Day One-Hundred-Ninety-Eight, Dateline 7-17-2018

The great thing in the world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we’re heading.
— Oliver Wendell Holmes

Good morning crickets. Welcome to day number one-hundred-ninety-eight of Operation Achieve Anything. The upswing in life continues as I received my new office chair yesterday afternoon and am happy to share that not only does it sit taller like the chair that I had to return but it’s also nicely padded so that it doesn’t irritate my sciatica like said replaced chair that just turned out to be too firm. That combined with my new fancy/magical fan that blasts me with air from across the room, keeping me nice and cool, I no longer fear what was lining up to be a miserable summer.

The sciatica pain is still there but now feel like it’s getting to the point where it manageable, and though it’s still hot as hell in the windowless room, the powerful fan allows me to work and sleep with comfort. Speaking of which, I used to love the Winston Churchill quote, “Why stand when you can sit, why sit when you can lie down,” but that was until I was bedridden. Now, I’m so happy to be sitting and able to type with an ease that I’m almost glad for the over a week and a half of discomfort because I’m now enthusiastically typing with ease.

Keep in mind I’m also still experimenting with blogging on a graveyard schedule and get a little slap happy and extra enthusiastic around this time, especially since this is the last thing that I have to write before I can smoke my meds that send me to bed. So, let’s get to the assignments that I’m here to report on.

For yesterday’s task, I was supposed to think of the false belief that I have about myself and start to think of a plan to start to let them go. As I previewed this as an upcoming task in yesterday’s post, I was very excited about this assignment because, as someone with such low self-esteem, I’ve got a laundry list of these false beliefs. They range from the idea that nobody ever really liked me at all, to, maybe I actually am the dumb guy that I claim is a character of myself.

I could keep going if you really want but even as I started to write this paragraph, I began to get really bummed. This leads me to think that maybe one of the solutions for me is to stop sharing these false beliefs with so much enthusiasm. I think that I developed a technic of almost being boastful about my flaws as a way to show that I own the negative aspects that others may see in me.

This approach has gone on for so long that I stopped seeing the fun of playing along and started to believe my own “jokes.” So, when I saw listing flaws as the assignment, the emotional voyeur in me couldn’t wait to share what I got and, at the time, I was planning to attempt to make this an entertaining one. Now, I don’t want to go to sleep with these thoughts in my head, so I’m going to consider this assignment to be done.

As for today’s assignment, this one is focused on the journey of life while the lesson warned of goals that lead to dead ends as opposed to journeys with constant progression. I’m now supposed to share what kind of journey I’m on and whether or not if I were to reach my goal if my life would turn very stagnant. The example in the book was a person who wanted a high paying job to afford fancy cars only to achieve his goal which then led him to feel like there is nowhere else to go because his goals were too generic/uninspired.

I’d like to think that, when it comes to my goals, if I can pull this off, I have enough ambitions to have goals that I would never be able to achieve within one lifetime, but it will be really fun to try. As always, you’ll have to wait for tomorrow’s post to see what else I have to say on this subject. Until then, it’s now time for me to sign off by saying, good day and good luck to you and all of your projects.

Talk to you soon.


The Wicker Breaker

P.S. Below are links to my novel, which I plan to promote as part of Operation Achieve Anything, as well as a link to where you can buy the book that is providing the structure to this project in case you would like to purchase it in order to play along.