The Daily Breaker: Dateline 1-10-2021

Good Evening Crickets…

Here we are at the end of another day… I think I like having this post to close out my day… and not to start it like I used to… back when I created this section to share my gameplan for the day… while working on 365 Days Of Resolution… and needed a way to keep track of all of the projects involved… so I needed to do it first thing in the morning to make sure I fit everything in….

Now that I’m working on just one challenger… 365 Days Of Marketing And Me… if you’re interested… I know what I have to do from the moment that I wake up… so I can write this post at any time… so I figured… why not make it a good night ritual… while I get high and wind down for the evening…

Tonight marks the end of a week that felt very long… so I’m going to keep this one short… but… I assure you that… as soon as I get back into my groove… and commit to how I want to do this… I’ll have plenty of rambling stoner thoughts that you might find to be at least a little fun…

Alright… I’ve got to crash… talk to you tomorrow…


The Wicker Breaker