The Daily Breaker: Dateline 1-9-2021

Good Evening Crickets…

As you may already know… I live by the concept that “It takes ten years to make an overnight success”… because I heard it as a quote about comedy when I was a kid… and I dreamed about being a comedian… but being shy and used to rejection… I knew that if I was ever going to succeed… it was going to take some time… my comfort with rejection and failure comes from living by the quote… “ Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm…”

My patience to wait the ten years might also stem from me being a Leap Year Kid… still half holding on to some of the magical beliefs about leaplings that I’ve heard ever since I was a kid… like how I live on a different timeline where four years actually equals one year… based on the word of the inevitable question… “So does that make you X years old???” to which I answer… “No… a year is still a year in my world… I’ve had X amount of birthdays…”

I always hate when people ask the question that way… but at the same time… I do have a different regular year and Leap Year… another excuse to settle in and try out long term goals… since to me… ten years to you are just two and a half years to me… when I’m in my Leap Year World…

The best thing about the idea of taking ten years… I’ve never been clear about what success means to me… and have always had so many plates spinning throughout my life… a ten-year success could be just around the corner… maybe sometime it will be financially… but right now… I feel like I must have started an effort to resolve a mental issue… because now that my sinuses successfully drain to where I no longer have inner ear issue and extra pressure in my head… while also taking in much more oxygen… I no longer feel like I’m losing my mind!!!

Alright… that’s all that I’ve got tonight… talk to you tomorrow…


The Wicker Breaker