The Daily Breaker: Dateline 1-26-2021

Good Evening Crickets…

Here we are with yet another midday post just to let you know that I‘m going to make it a quick one… because… apparently… I still need to catch up on some more sleep… which does make sense… considering the fact that I’ve been using sleep deprivation to keep me in a silly mood ever since I was a junior in high school… the problem is… the no sleep approach to controlling emotions is nothing that you can count on…

As I’ve pointed out in my past few Daily Breaker posts… I seem to be getting caught up on all of the sleep that I’ve missed over the years with the help of a new magic pill… well… actually… it’s not all that magical of med… because I still need marijuana to initially go to be… but what I like about the prescription is that I no longer wake in the middle of the night to use the bathroom…

Right now… I think that I’m struggling with these daily posts… because I’m past the honeymoon phase of returning to work on this blog… but I’m also now writing around what my old nap time used to be… back when I would quarter my days with two sets of waking hours and two sets of hours when I would sleep…

Yes… I was able to fit in more work this way… but even added up… I was only getting around six hours of sleep each day… with interruptions all throughout scattered in… according to my Fitbit… as opposed to the eight to nine hours that I get now… with barely any moments of awake time… half the time… my tracked deep sleep hours alone are longer than my old naps…

So… even though I’m struggling to feel inspired and productive right now… I have a feeling that… as soon as I work it all out… instead of the extra rest triggering a need for more sleep… the longer slumbers should lead me to be well-rested with enough energy to clearly think… or is it think clearly???

Either way… we’ll have to wait until tomorrow to see which type of sleep I get… and of course… I’ll share my insights with you when I check in with tomorrow’s post… talk to you then…


The Wicker Breaker