The Daily Breaker: Dateline 1-27-2021

Good Evening Crickets…

Here we are with yet another midday post… I wish it could be a happy one… but I’m having a hard time focusing with my left ear is bothering me once again… that said… at least I now know that it definitely is a physical issue and not that I’m losing my mind…

For the most part… I’ve felt nothing but relief thanks to the sinus surgery that fixed my deviated septum and allowed my sinuses to properly drain… minus the stuff that wasn’t draining… I stopped feeling like I was totally insane… and back to feeling the regular brand of crazy that I’m used to…

I have had one or two minor flareups over the past month… but this is the first time I woke to the old normal… and I have no idea how I lived like this for years… granted… it wasn’t always this constant in the past… it feels sort of like the rumbling in your ears before a yawn… only you get no relief because no yawn ever comes…

Hopefully… the return of the rumble is from the fact that I haven’t been as good with my sinus rinses because… as I’ve pointed out in my last couple of posts… I’ve been sleeping so much thanks to my new meds… I got one rinse in before writing this post… and my ear already feels a tab bit better… so… the plan moving on is to go back to twice a day sinus rinses… I may also take a break from my CPAP mask because the forced air might be adding to the head pressure returning as well…

We’ll see how things end up as I continue to settle into a new/healthier routine… where I eventually plan to increase the quality level of my sleep … exercise more… and eat better… to boost my energy and improve my mood… thankfully I have this blog to share my ups and downs while trying to figure it all out with my trial and error approach… I can’t wait to see if my efforts tonight will make for a better tomorrow… either way… I look forward to checking in again tomorrow with the results… talk to you then…


The Wicker Breaker