Dateline 2-1-2014
/One month down, one failure, Three success, and tons of progress.
I'm still dog/house sitting and I think I'm going to lighten my load for the day. It is the weekend after all.
Failed :(
Knitting lessons should happen some time this weekend. I just sent an email to find out if we're still on and when.
Plans made to learn how to knit.
It took a while but I think I've got the basics.
Post update!
Done for the day! Well I may knit while I watch TV, but done note worthy wise :)
I'm going to work on this one.
Watch lesson 2 for this week's assignment.
Too busy working on other resolution. This was more of a back up plan for if I didn't take the dogs out or get knitting lessons.
I lied. I ended up watching the course and hating it. I should have waited.
Waiting for next quarter for my next detox/cleanse.
Bucket should be delivered on Monday.
I will work on this.
Announce the winning cause!!!
Announcement made!!!
I will work on this tonight.
End the day writing as per usual.
I'm going to take a quick break and then get some writing in before I go to bed. This is the last of my updates for the day.
Back burner.
I'll bring this up on Tuesday when I post my Southland Tales review.
I will work on this today.
Get my water drinking on!!!
Half way there!
Back burner.
No new reviews.
This is a Tuesday Based resolution.
Back burner yet again. I do have a plan though.
I can't work on this while I'm away from home.
As needed learning.
On a break/as needed updates.
Waiting to be inspired.
I will be working on this today.
Start reading when I'm done posting this update.
Done for the day... Mission Complete!!!
No Xbox here = No Mike Tyson :(
You're reading it.
I'll keep the updates coming as I check things off the list.
Done for the day. See you tomorrow.
I'm going to write more of these stories. I'll create a update link when I get home.
Write little stories when inspired.
I wrote my one story for the day. I'm still the top writer for the week!
If I don't actually start this today I will definitely take the dogs out and get them involved.
There was talk of going to the dog park. If that's the case then that'll be our point B for the day. Depending on whether or not that works into an actual half hour walk then I'll hunt for a letter. If it ends up just being activity that doesn't really fulfill the games rules. One of these days I will take these dog out specifically to hunt for letters.
It turns out we are going to the dog park. I'll have to see what that entails before I can say whether or not I will be incorporating this as a letter hunting venture.
To dogs on walk Found my first letter.
Create and post update.
Done for the day!