The Daily Breaker: Dateline 2-19-2021

Good Evening Crickets…

Here we are at the end of another day… and tonight I am feeling old… well… actually… I just feel my age… whatever that’s supposed to mean… especially to a Leap Year baby… am I supposed to act 44… stressed out by my position in life… fully aware that I haven’t accomplished a single goal that I should have by now… when compared to the rest of my peers… or should I act 11… with plenty of life ahead of me… and I’m starting to mature… by implementing the lessons that I learned… as I enter the next phase of existing on this plane…

Hell… if I live by my Leap Year timeline… I still have a decade in standard years before I become a teen… speaking of which… this afternoon… I was explaining to someone how… “when I was a kid”… cable television was just becoming a thing… which is what triggered my feeling old… then I started to think back to the things that I used to hear the adults complain about that made them feel old back when I was young… and started to laugh at what these issues were…

For the most part… all of my parents’ generation’s “way back then” tales were things like… our telephones used to have chords… or… we only had three channels on the television… and we only had records and 8-tracks… meanwhile… my peers and I went from having twenty channels that mainly played reruns… and went off the air after twelve… to having so many options when it comes to entertainment that we’re complaining that we can’t keep up…

We also went from having like eight or nine dinosaurs that we learned about… to there being more types of dinosaurs than I can count… and these kids know the name to each and every one of them… I’ve seen cartoons meant for children that casually throw in complex scientific theories that were just being thought up when I was young… and when I try to share what I know about these concepts… my nieces and nephews aren’t impressed at all…

And don’t even get me started on the Internet… that I never really used until I was twenty-one… so I’ve lived almost half of my life with it and without it… so… this happened at just the right time to be more influential to my life than my parents… who are still living the same exact lives… they just had to learn the few computer uses that took over the old ways that they used to complete their task… and then when it comes to the younger generations… these technologies shaped their lives… and then I feel like my peers were the ones who lives were reshaped…

Yes… I’m high… which is why I lost the point… and can’t remember where I was going… so… I’m going to cut this ramble off right here… I’m sure I'll return to the subject at some point… when I’m high at the end of another night… but until then… it’s about time for me to finish this smoke session up and head off to bed… with that… I bid you a good night… and look forward to checking in again tomorrow… talk to you then…


The Wicker Breaker