The Daily Breaker: Dateline 2-27-2021

Good Evening Crickets…

Here we are at the end of yet another day… and I’m just ready to go to bed… this week has been a rough one… with all of the issues getting drummed up by all the therapy appointments that I’ve had this week… I’m just burnt out emotionally… not to mention the depression that’s setting in with my birthday technically being tomorrow… but I don’t actually get one this year… as if it really matters…

It used to even be more fun being a leap year kid… but now that I’ve lost my child-like outlook of the world… the magic of having a quirky birthday is also gone… last year… I actually had a birthday… and I spent it all alone… because the few people in my life were busy… and I was told that we never celebrate my birthday on the regular day anyways… to justify why the other plans were more important… this might be why I’ve never been all that into birthday celebration in general… because when it is my turn to have a special day… I always feel let down….

It doesn’t help that I’m just getting older… and back to making less than a dollar a day… and right now… it’s hard to keep up the facade that I am excited about the struggle all of the time… I do know that I am where I am because of my collection of choices… but it would just be nice to have one choice lead to even a somewhat success… I’ve failed enough to fully understand that you can’t always win…

Alright… I’m done with my end-of-the-day letter to no one/smoke session… it a good thing that I used the ‘80s sit-com rest technique… where tonight may be ending with “a very special lesson” about birthday depression… but tomorrow I’ll be completely fine… just like I was this morning… plus… I know what one of my b-day gifts is… and it’s going to make the next big stage of optimizing this site extra fun… I can’t wait to share what I plan to do… but you’ll have to wait until tomorrow when I officially own my gift… before I let you in of the “surprise”… talk to you then…


The Wicker Breaker