The Daily Breaker: Dateline 2-3-2021

Good Evening Crickets…

Here we are… at the end of another day… and for the first time… in a long time… I’m excited with how things are actually going… and not just enthusiastic about potential results… that’s not to say that I’m seeing those potential results to bring on my excitement… I’m just having fun with what I am doing to fill my days while I stay at home avoiding Covid-19… which has actually been my life ever since I started this blog in 2012…

I have to say that I missed writing these letters to no one the most during my two years off from my blog… because… even though I never get a response… I still pretend that I’m an astronaut far enough away from the planet earth… that it takes around a decade for each post to reach my old home… meaning that it will take a decade for me to hear a response… this way… it makes it easier for me to live by the quote “It takes ten years to create an overnight success…”

Using the logic above… since I’m ten years out… with ten more years to hear back… this actually gives me twenty years before I even have to worry about overnight anything... while keeping in mind… there are other forms of success that don’t require a turnaround time… like simply enjoying my life… a place where I have been and a place where I can’t wait to get back to…

Alright… it’s time to get high and start looking for pages with multiple H1 tags throughout this site… you’ll know when I’m done… because the titles will go back to being orange instead of this weird purple… as always… I look forward to checking in again tomorrow… talk to you then…


The Wicker Breaker