The Daily Breaker: Dateline 2-2-2021

Good Evening Crickets…

Here we are… at the end of what turned out to be a pretty good day… first off… I woke up nice and early… dreading an appointment that I set to be evaluated for a new therapist… only to find that the conversation turned out to be rather pleasant… especially with my new evidence that my left ear has been leading to a lot of the mental issues that I’ve been dealing with over the past several years… and that I’m not just out of my head… I’m now hopeful that if I do end up on pills again… that they won’t do more harm than good…

The rest of the day was more of the same… up until I got to today’s 365 Days Of Marketing And Me assignment… where I had the fun of digging up an old essay that I wrote while in junior college back in 1995… it was fun to see that I have consistent beliefs… since the essay was addressing greed in America… and how what used to be a dream is now a nightmare…

I wouldn’t say that I was surprised to see that I had the same stance… but I was surprised that I was openly writing about this sort of thing way back then… I was more under the assumption that I kept those sorts of thoughts to myself… but that must have just been while at work or hanging out with friends… since I preferred to tell jokes over talking about societal flaws…

Feel free to clicker here if you’re interested in checking it out… as for me… I’m going to continue to ride out the good vibes from the two situations above… along with my friend the Arizer Extreme Q with remote control to finish off this pretty good day… as always… I look forward to checking in again tomorrow… to share more of my thoughts with you…


The Wicker Breaker