Dateline 2-6-2014
/I keep saying that I'm going to make the day's lighter but that has yet to really work since these resolutions are piling up. I felt yesterday ended up to be a good amount of work.
Here's what my plan is for today.
Failed :(
I really liked taking a break to watch a movie and knitting to switch modes before working on the novel.
I will try this again tonight.
There is one more video to watch before I get to the assignment.
I will watch said video.
Okay I'm done with this for the day. I started the video and they are covering the same thing as the lecture and the walk through. I will look into the assignment tomorrow and revisit these videos as needed.
Done until April.
I'm continuing to enjoy the meals.
I will post what I make for lunch.
I will read, favorite and retweet post I see on Twitter as the day goes by.
I'm very close to finishing section 4 out of 5. If I do skip out on any of these plans this will be why. Once I finish section four I'll be able to write section 5 pretty quickly as it's going to be an adaptation of a script I've already written and I know the story well.
Write tonight!
Just finished section 4! I'm not done for the night, but I'm done posting about it.
Back burner.
I will be giving this scarf that I'm knitting as a gift for this exchange. Follow #2's progress if you are interested. I will be posting the final outcome here when done.
Drinking the water!
One bottle down one to go.
Back burner.
Back Burner.
No new reviews to share.
Waiting for the right moment to share/more stuff in the mail.
Done until Tuesday.
I will make this my goal to start the research for this today.
Research Hipsters using the Wikipedia.
Okay I've finally started to make progress here. This is a topic I can research while making my meals and waiting to start other projects. I've got some information for 2013 hipsters, but I'm not all that interested in the current trend. I'm interested how we got here. I think I'm going to have to save this information to share all at once being that I don't think the hipster would have interest in a slow roll out. You may not see progress on this until the due date, but trust me I'll be working on it.
As needed.
As needed.
As needed.
When inspired.
I will read when I get back from my walk.
Continue reading The Shroud of the Thwacker.
May or may not play today.
Post how far I get if I do play.
Still getting hung up on Soda Popinski. :(
You're reading it.
Continue to make updates as the day goes by.
Good night.
As long as I'm doing this blog I'm working on this goal.
I will write at least one short story tonight.
Write end of day story and share.
I will find my C.
Go out for a walk and post the photo of the C when I get home.
I'll listen as I read.
Will add my mnemonic for the day to go along with "Requiem" for a "Mozart," How "Matthaus Passion" Got His Groove "Bach" and "Beethoven" Love Mambo... I mean "Piano Concerto Number 5" (Did this from memory, just double check to find that I nailed it!
This one's going to be a doozie but here we go. The "Wolfgang" were surprised to find that they actually enjoyed the "Klairinetten" (think Kitten Clarinet hybrid) "Konzert"
Also added it to the updates post.
I will wear my watch while I go on my walk.
That program I found the other day is actually just a bunch of MP3s on learning Dutch. I will listen to this as I walk.
Post update of my findings.
I almost fell asleep to a documentary last night but then forced myself to switch over to music. I think I really like The Cranberries Pandora station for it's selection of calm soft female singers.
Do it again tonight.
Will do.
The water instead of soda, walking, and 2100 calories a day via bucket food were all leading to this.
Wish me luck!!!