Dateline 2-7-2014
/For the next couple days I will be putting most of these resolution on the back burner as I wrap up my novel. I still have quite a bit to write but being that this final section of the novel is an adaptation of a screenplay that I have already written, and because it's an adaptation I don't have the same hang-ups of having to wait until it's dark to feel inspired.
Unless it's a daily resolution or a resolution I can do as a way to take a break everything is going on the back burner until this is done. Once the novel is complete that will free up a lot of time, and clear my mind of that voice in the back of my head that will not shut up until I'm done.
Here's the plan:
Failed :(
I will continue to work on this.
Take a break to watch a movie and knit.
Back burner.
Done until April.
I'll be eating the bucket food, but will hold off on the write up.
Read, favorite and retweet from charity groups on Twitter.
This will be my main focus until I'm done.
Post updates.
Got a lot done!!!
Back Burner.
Invite people to the final viewing.
Post when done.
Will be knitting follow #2 for progress.
Drinking it.
Finish drinking and add *
Back burner.
Back burner.
No new reviews to share.
Done until Tuesday.
Research during down times but no need for further updates.
As needed.
As needed.
As needed.
When inspired.
I will read when I'm done posting this.
Post when done.
Done reading The Shroud of the Thwacker for the day.
I might play.
Post if I do play.
I'm annoyed with this one. Done for the day I'll make a post about my annoyance tomorrow.
You're reading it.
Continue to update throughout the day.
On going.
I'll write a short story at the end of the day.
Write and share the story.
I might do this today. I might take a break.
Post if I do.
Went for a walk, found my D and posted about it. Done!
Will appreciate as I read.
Post today's mnemonic to go along with "Requiem" for a "Mozart," How "Matthaus Passion" Got His Groove "Bach," "Beethoven" loves Mambo... I mean "Piano Concerto Number 5," and The "Wolfgang" surprised to find they actually enjoyed the "KlairenetteKonzert."
This is one of those songs that everyone knows but the mnemonic is going to be a bit convoluted, but Livin' La "Vivalidi" "Le Quattro Stagioni" Loco!
I will wear my watch if I do go out.
I'll listen to the learning Dutch audiobook if I go on the walk.
Listened while I took a walk.
See #32 updates for post the post on my findings.
I successfully slept without television last night and will do it again tonight.
On going.