The Daily Breaker: Dateline 3-14-2021

Good Evening Crickets…

Here we are at the end of another night… and boy howdy… I’m exhausted… I think it from the new pills that I’m on… that seem to make me feel better mentally… but physically… I feel weaker than usual… so I’m not sleepy tired but still feel spent… it probably doesn’t help that I am mentally drained from talking to so many therapists… but it’s also been nice to feel challenged…

For the most part... all of the people who are presently in my life… we mainly talk about something to do with the television… NetFlix and Reality TV with my sisters and mom… or else there’s YouTube when talking to my nieces and nephews… my family likes to keep things light… I miss having more friends who were more actively trying to find meaning… at least on the same page as me.. I’m sure they go deeper when talking about their religious beliefs… which I’m glad that do get into with me…

So… I’m sort of happy to be having time with the various versions of shrinks… I just hope I’m not too big of a pain in the ass… with my surreal ramblings about getting so lost in my fictional work… that I lost touch with this reality… when all that they want to hear is how things are going right now…. plus… I’m very hung up on getting a diagnosis before a prescription… which usually turns into an issue… but… I’m getting better at playing along…

I’ll always know that only have to be normal in public… and as a shut-in… who works from home… that means letting my freak flag fly about 90% of the time… but… I do need these people to keep me in check… oh well… I need to blast off to bed following that last hit… I look forward to seeing what I get to write to you tomorrow…


The Wicker Breaker