The Daily Breaker: Dateline 3-15-2021

Good Evening Crickets…

Here we are at the end of yet another day of making progress…and I’m excited about the upcoming week… for one… I was finally able to buy the part to fix my computer… meaning… no more slow-ass emergency laptop to drive me nuts… I’ll have faster internet… and photoshop back…. so I’ll finally be able to play with the stylus that I got for my birthday… and to top things off… I’m treating myself to a new ergonomic keyboard!!!

The type that splits in the middle… making it harder for my roaming fingers to cheat… and flirt with buttons outside of their designated columns or rows… or both??? my last ergonomic one broke during the move… so I started to use a normal keyboard that I had laying around…. it will be nice to get back to the point where I really trust my accuracy again…

Hopefully… I’ll get it back by the time I start writing fiction… or… that might be the sign that I’m ready to finally stop all of this training and actually write a final draft of anything… hell… I even plan to rewrite this post in about a year… as I continue to nail down this non-screenwriter’s writer’s voice that I’m really enjoying…

We’ll see if I continue to love it… or end up leaving it… a few steps in the future… when I will attempt to adapt this entire site into this new voice… making adjustments to the rules as I go… by the time everything is rewritten… I should be ready to write fiction again… in order to adapt each of my scripts into a series of intertwining novels…

Until then… it’s time for me to go to bed… and as always… I can’t wait to check in again tomorrow…


The Wicker Breaker