The Daily Breaker: Dateline 3-16-2021

Good Evening Crickets…

Here we are at the end of another day… and I’m excited because I get to head off to bed earlier than usual… or… maybe get higher than usual… whatever ends up happening first… I don’t want to actually fall asleep this early… I’m getting used to waking at 5:00 in the AM again… but… I’m not fully adjusted… not that it matters… and this site is the closest thing that I have to a job… so I’ll take as long as I want…

I’m getting kind of nervous about the idea of putting money into myself… via outsourced services… to try to make it official… I’ve got someone who’s not me lined up to double-check my efforts to make SEO change that “should” boost my future ad revenue… that can happen any random number of months from now… after the Google Search Engine Crawls dig through my stuff again…

I was close to my five-dollars-a-day goal right before I fucked it all up by changing all of my URLs that all had two to eight years of authority… without following through and redirecting the old addresses… it makes total sense now that I’ve taken four months to resolve all of the issues… and now have to wait “X“ more months to see if my efforts were worth it… that’s why I’m paying someone “X” amount of bucks to tidy up now that I’m burnt out on SEO and want to explore other facets of market…

But… marketing is for the other part of this blog… no more shop talk here… no more talk at all right now because my pillow is calling… and now it’s that time for me to say good night and talk to you again really soon…


The Wicker Breaker