365 Days Of Marketing And Me: Day Thirty-One - 1/31/2021
/One Creative Introverts Effort To Take On The Extroverted Marketing World…
Welcome to day number thirty-one of 365 Days Of Marketing And Me… which means we’re officially at the end of the first month of 2021… and I’m feeling optimistic based on how things are going right now… especially when it comes to my own plans… since I’m still a pessimist when it comes to the rest of the world… that said… I’m even far less pessimistic about this planet … now that the top dip shit in charge is no longer such a troll… but I still don’t fully trust the Earth’s leaders…
Last night… I learned a couple of interesting things about myself… when I wrapped up my blogging obligations early and got so bored from relaxing that I got back to working on the site’s SEO instead… the first thing that I noticed is that I hate being in problem-solver mode… though it can be super fun to hunt for clues to potential solutions… I can’t stand how it leads me to look for problems in other areas of my life to fix… since I can’t just turn off the troubleshooting mindset… when I’m in the throws of debugging technical problems… it turns out that I become hyper-aware of the flaws in everyone and everything…
The other thing that I learned is… outside of my own projects… my actual dream job has always been to become a data entry clerk… especially when 2:30 in the AM struck… and I had to peel myself away from the simple data entry tasks that I’ve created for my self to improve the site’s SEO… nothing but brainless copying and pasting followed changing a word and/or number here and there… I had such a blast creating games to increase my productivity that I never once took a video game break… the way that I need to when working on tasks that require more brain activity… the work itself becomes the game to me instead…
I don’t know what I’m going to do with this bit of information… but it came to me while working on a marketing task for this challenge… so I figured… why not make it as today’s introductory segment… with that said… it’s time to share how I fulfilled the task from yesterday…
Yesterday was another lame theme… especially for someone who is phone phobic… since yesterday was Inane Answering Machine Message Day… and I don’t think that I’ve had a message on my cellphone’s voicemail for over a decade now… that is… unless I’ve had the voicemail from my first phone transferred to all of my new phones throughout the years… but I don’t think that’s the case…
I also couldn’t tell you the last time that I’ve left a message… unless you consider the ramblings that I leave when trying to contact a doctor after returning their calls… otherwise… I’ll text or email before ever thinking to call… so… even though I may have a boatload of inane text messages to share… this task is a bust as far as answering machines are concerned…
As a consolation prize… below is an inane answering machine message commercial that still runs through my mind from time to time even though I haven’t seen it since I was a kid…
And with that… it’s time to dig into the assignment for today…
According to the 365 Days Of Marketing book… today is Inspire Your Heart With Art Day… of course… this assignment had to come on the same day that I just got pointing out how much I’m a fan of data entry and not having to use my brain… then again… a rested head from mindless copying and pasting could be a benefit… so at some point tonight… I’ll have to break the monotony by creating some heartfelt art… and as always… I’ll share what I come up with… when I check in with tomorrow’s post!!!