365 Days Of Marketing And Me: Day Thirty-Four - 2/3/2021
/One Creative Introverts Effort To Take On The Extroverted Marketing World…
Welcome to day number thirty-four of 365 Days Of Marketing And Me… where I’ve spent the last couple of days hunting down pages on this site with more than one H1 tag in an effort to increase The Wicker Breaker’s SEO score… with the hopes that this will boost my revenue in the process… having built this site as a hobby with literally no thoughts of marketing on my mind…
As tedious as it is to correct the thousands of SEO issues that are scattered throughout over three thousand pages… it’s also fun to see how each change affects the site’s traffic and revenue… it’s twice as fun that it takes two to six weeks for each search engine to recrawl each page because it causes statistic jumps to seem like they’re happening from out of the blue… especially since I don’t really know what I’m doing… so I get excited to see proof that I’m on the right track as far as my monetization efforts are concerned…
And there is a little insight on my marketing efforts for today… with that… it’s time to see how I fulfilled the task from yesterday…
According to the 365 Days Of Marketing book… yesterday was Groundhog Day… which didn’t inspire me all that much… considered the fact that it’s already a well established celebratory day… back in the day when I was still a “party animal”… I used to have fantasies of hosting an annual event where guests would dress as their favorite rodent… and drink tequila sunrises until the sun would come out… then the last person standing had the final say over when winter would end… but this dream never came to fruition…
If I were to have pulled Groundhog Day’s Eve… I’d throw in a few images as proof… along with a funny story and consider this one done… but I’m only going to give the paragraph above as a half-credit towards yesterday’s assignment… for the second half credit… I’m going to take advantage of the marketing aspect of this challenge to promote my old Area 52 - Southland Tales Reviews challenge…
What does this old challenge have to do with Groundhog Day you ask??? Well… in order to succeed … I had to watch the same movie once a week and then write a fresh review for each viewing… leading me to often feel like Bill Murray waiting to report on Punxsutawney Phil over and over again in his marmot themed film… it was quite a surreal experience with the same amount of ups and downs that Bill’s character experienced minus the guy getting the girl Hollywood ending…
And that’s how I handled yesterday’s task… so let’s take a look at the assignment for today…
The 365 Days Of Marketing book says that today is Coaches Day… which is another one where I have no clue what to do… since I never played any sports… or had anyone to take me on as a mentor… as of now… I can only think of jokes to make about the show with a guy named Dauber… or ideas for a post about the old guy from Cheers who worked at the bar before Woody took over… I’m not all that concerned though… I’m sure I’ll come up with something at some point today… just like I always seem to do… talk to you tomorrow when I check in with my next post…