365 Days Of Marketing And Me: Day Eighty-Four 3/25/2021

One Creative Introvert’s Effort To Take On The Extroverted Marketing World…

Welcome to day number eighty-four of 365 Days Of Marketing And Me… and I’m super annoyed because I’m still having to use my laptop computer to do all this work… my desktop computer had power supply issues that took it out of commission before I even started this marketing challenge… but I was fine at the time because I knew that this laptop would work until I could afford the new part…

Though this laptop does do the job… it’s super old… and was slow when I bought it because I only needed something to travel with once or twice a year… or when I went out of town for a gig and just needed something to check emails with… so… it was never a powerhouse… but slow as it may be… it’s kept me afloat this whole time…

Three weeks ago… when my stimulus check came in… I rushed to order a new power supply… and had to go through HP… because… apparently… they don’t have a generic power supply for this model available on NewEgg or Amazon… I found the part on HP’s parts site… which was twice as expensive as I expected it would be… but… having no choice… I ordered it… with expedited shipping…

A week goes by and I see nothing… until I saw that the value of the part was back in my account… and I couldn’t find any evidence that my order still existed… so… I ordered again… and again… the money was charged… making me think that I’m on the right track… but here we are three weeks later and I have no sign that either piece will be here any time soon…

Having to NEED to go through the manufacture may be the final straw when it comes to me buying premade computers… or at least I’ll do better research to make sure that any new machines that I buy are easier to customize… because I refuse to go through the manufacturer again… if paying extra for one to two-day extradition actually equals one to two months…

This may not have much to do with marketing… but… it does have to do with this project… because I am waiting on my desktop computer to be up and running again… in order to move on to work on things like graphic design… or other areas that require a machine with more power…

Until then… I’m considering today’s opening segment to be done… now let’s move on to see how I handled the task from yesterday…

According to the 365 Days Of Marketing book… yesterday was Puppy Day… it feels like this is the third or fourth day devoted to dogs… but I’ll take the excuse to spend extra time with my pupper named Zuni… I adopted her about six months ago… and she may be the best dog I ever owned… or… is at least the best dog for me considering my own physical issues…

I chose to adopt her specifically because she was an old dog from the bargain bin… with low energy just like me… both of us need to lose weight in the pool before we can hit the road for walks… since we both have the same obesity-based mobility issues… the hardest part is that we both seem to be constantly bored and a little depressed… especially during these days when it’s too cold to play in the pool...

So… on these dog days… I end up just watching more TV with her by my side… she seems to really like the first hour or so… when she rests with her head in my lap… but then she rolls over and stares at the floor… because I don’t think she likes reality TV shows… but… she also seems to love TV time because it’s the only time that she’s allowed on the couch… or at least it’s the only time that I will pick her up… since she’s too out of shape to get up on the furniture by herself…

Zuni Pre-Stretch…
Zuni Stretch
Zuni Post-Stretch

Whether or not it shows on her face… I can see that she’s losing weight and becoming much more confident since her first day in this house… sometimes I wish I was making the same amount of progress… but I’m also fine with her staying in the lead…

And with that… I’m going to consider the celebration of yesterday to be done… now it’s time to see what the book has in store for today…

The 365 Days Of Marketing book says that today is Organize Your Home Office Day… which couldn’t come at a better time because my workspace has become a mess ever since the new meds that I’m on started to zap my energy… but… when I focus I can still get things done… I just have to try a little harder… so… I may not clean my entire room… but I will share photo evidence of a tidy home office when I check in with tomorrow’s post…

But for now… to wrap it all up… below are my statistics for the last seven days… now complete with speed stats…