Resolution #276: Buy The Clapper And Work It Into An Electronics Project...

Date: 10-3-2014

Due Date: 10-3-2015

The Resolution: I didn't know that they still sold The Clapper anywhere other than eBay. That is until today when we started to unpack our Christmas Inventory at work.

I know it's far too early for Christmas but we started about two weeks ago around the same time we set up for Halloween.


Apparently… The Clapper has become a Christmas gift and not a year-round item.

Well, this year I'm going to buy myself The Clapper and engineer it into an electronics project.

I have an idea but I'm going to keep it a surprise.


Result #276: I Failed To Buy A Clearance Clapper While Still Working My Retail Job… Leading This Resolution To Be Yet Another Fail…


Update #1: The Conclusion…

Date: 10-3-2015

I set this resolution to buy and build something with The Clapper back when I worked in retail. We got a batch of them in the store and I knew that as soon as Christmas was over they'd go on clearance for 50% off.

That was the one awesome this about that job. Not only did I get the regular sale discounts but I also got my employee discount on top of it all. With my retail jobs in the past, it was one or the other but not both.

Unfortunately… all The Clappers were sold by the time we got to our Christmas Clearance Sale. Since leaving that job I've been too broke to buy a non-sale priced The Clapper.

I'm pretty sure that someday I'll get my act together enough to be able to afford frivolous purchases again and when that day comes… I will buy The Clapper and incorporate it into some sort of invention.

As always, I'll keep you posted when I do.