Resolution #277: Give Shittens A Shot...

Date: 10-4-2014

Due Date: 10-4-2015

The Resolution: I've been a huge fan of Howard Stern for over 20 years. I even bought a lifetime membership to Sirius Satellite and record the show daily because I don't always have the time to listen to the show sequentially in its entirety.

I stopped listening at the beginning of the year when I got my new job. A few months before I stopped listening Howard had the hosts of Shark Tank on to evaluate the Stern Show's crew's business ideas.

Most of the ideas didn't seem all that thought out until Richie Wilson came in to introduce his invention.


The Sharks liked it, leading to an entertaining discussion. I felt it was a fun segment but I also felt nothing was going to come of it. Since I stopped listening for so long it seemed like I was right.

Cut to:

A couple of weeks ago I overheard a non-Stern fan talking about these Shittens that they saw advertised somewhere. They were too bothered by the product to give a crap about the back story but I knew they had to be the Richie Wilson gloves and not just some troll who beat him to the punch.

It turns out; I was right and now plan to test out these Shittens to see how they do.

Don't worry; I don't plan on sharing any before and after pictures of any kind for this experiment.


Result #277: I Failed To Receive The Free Shittens I Was Promised… But… I Still Plan To Give Them A Shot…


Update #1: The Conclusion…

Date: 10-4-2015

Moments after setting this resolution to give Shittens a shot I received a Tweet from the creator of the product saying that he would send me a sample pack. I'm such a fan of the Howard Stern Show that I was almost as excited to hear from the former staffer as I was to hear that I would get to try his invention for free.

I sent off my information but unfortunately never heard another word.

I'm bummed because not only would this sample set have fulfilled this resolution but I would have had another product to use for one of my Free Stuff Reviews.

I'm in no way writing this as a gripe about the inventor or the Shittens product. As a matter of fact, if I weren't writing this update about my progress on this task I would just let it go.

I'm still interested in trying Shittens but as you may have read in past financial failures, I'm pathetically broke at this time, even too broke for what should be an affordable task. Someday, once I'm caught up on my other affordable failures, I'll get around to buying a packet of Shittens, and when I do, I'll let you know how they are.