Resolution #238: Try The Jerky Version Of Every Member Of The Animal Kingdom That's Available!!!

Resolution #238: Try The Jerky Version Of Every Member Of The Animal Kingdom That's Available!!!

Date: 8-26-2014

Due Date: 8-26-2015

Resolution: I'm a pretty big fan of jerky. I wouldn't say that I love it to the point where I want to learn to make it on my own. I do like it enough to want to sample the various flavors from various animals.

So, I'm pretty much going to create my own Jerky of the month club. At least once a month for a year, I'll sample jerky made of a different animal and share my findings.

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Resolution #239: See If I Still Know How To Weave A Basket...

Resolution #239: See If I Still Know How To Weave A Basket...

Date: 8-27-2014

Due Date: 8-27-2015

Resolution: I doubt they still do this but when I was in elementary school and Thanksgiving came around they would dress us all up like Indians and walk us over to King Street Park where we would run around playing out stereotypes.

I'd say Native Americans but I don't think I learned that term until High School.

We'd make bow and arrows out of sticks and run around "Woo Wooing" like crazy children. I don't know if the techniques were culturally accurate but they also taught us how to weave baskets and placemat sized blankets.

This year I'm going to see if I still know how to do this. First, I'm going to make a basket as I taught in school. Then I'm going to try to make a wicker basket because it's more fitting with The Wicker Breaker and I think I can do it.

I'll try my hardest to attempt some underwater basket weaving but it's not a requirement.

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Resolution #240: Learn Stop Motion Animation To Bring Pill Bottle Devo To Life...

Resolution #240: Learn Stop Motion Animation To Bring Pill Bottle Devo To Life...

Date: 8-28-2014

Due Date: 8-28-2015

Resolution: The biggest thing that I've learned so far is that I really like the idea of being able to take a project from concept to complete why having full control throughout the process.

Right now, I'm still in learning mode for a majority of the projects that I'm working on I eventually plan to incorporate all that I learn to make some interesting pieces.

Pill Bottle Devo will be my entry into the world of stop motion animation.

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Resolution #241: Smell Like KISS Until I Burn Through All 3.4oz Of Their Toilette Eau...

Resolution #241: Smell Like KISS Until I Burn Through All 3.4oz Of Their Toilette Eau...

Date: 8-29-2014

Due Date: 8-29-2015

Resolution: Today, while I was at work I had to open the fragrance cabinet to retrieve a bottle of Beyonce Heat by Beyonce for a customer.

I then thought to myself, "I want to smell like a celebrity.

I put out a call to my personal Facebook page for suggestions but all I got was jokes. Funny jokes like White Diamonds by Elizabeth Taylor, Mr. Clean by Mr. Clean, Hot Garbage by Christina Aguilera, Dirt by Joe Dirt, Cigarettes by Brad Pitt, Butter by Paula Deen, and many more.

I then remembered that KISS sells a coffin and figured they had to sell cologne.

Of course… they do!!!

I'm not sure how long two sprays of a 3.4 oz bottle of cologne will last but however long it takes I'll not only smell like A celebrity, I'll smell like four.

Though I think only two of them get paid.

Poor Space Ace and Catman.

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Resolution #242: Obtain At Least One Bitcoin By Earning It And Not By Purchasing One...

Resolution #242: Obtain At Least One Bitcoin By Earning It And Not By Purchasing One...

Date: 8-30-2014

Due Date: 8-30-2015

Resolution: I both know and don't know enough about Bitcoins to risk investing in one of them. That said I'd still love to own one.

I have a feeling that I'm eventually going to resolve to add a store to One of these items I create will be interesting enough to sell. Even if it's bought for the novelty of it all.

I'm not quite there yet, but when this store opens I'll definitely be accepting Bitcoins.

If they're still around that is.

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Resolution #243: Learn To Draw With A Futuristic 3D Pen!!!

Resolution #243: Learn To Draw With A Futuristic 3D Pen!!!

Date: 8-31-2014

Due Date: 8-31-2015

Resolution: To anyone old enough to have spent a majority of their lives living in the years B.I. (Before Internet); could you imagine how your mind would be blown if this invention just popped up one day?

It would have been considered wizardry.

Nowadays the moment anything is invented our modern mind thinks, "It's about time. What took them so long?"

Though I have to work to put myself in the right perspective, I'm still blown away by modern inventions.

Anything 3D printing fascinates me these days, especially now that I have a growing appreciation for art.

Luckily we also live in a time where these magical devices are somewhat affordable. Since I'm getting double time for working the holiday tomorrow, I'll be able to get this with my next paycheck!

I can't wait!!!

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Resolution #244: Work On A Fake Tan... Complete With Crazy Tan Lines...

Resolution #244: Work On A Fake Tan... Complete With Crazy Tan Lines...

Date: 9-1-2014

Due Date: 9-1-2014

Resolution: Now that I don't work on movies anymore I rarely see the sun. I couldn't really care less about the pigment of my skin, but I did always find it fun to see just how insane my tan lines would get over the summer.

Since summer is wrapping up and I have no plans to see the sun any time soon, I figured I'd recreate the fun with various forms of fake tanning sprays and creams.

Though I would love to recreate the crazy hat line don't think it would go over all that well at work. To make up for this disappointing exception I will create a Charlie Brown shirt pattern around my belly along with other fun designs on my arms and legs.

Hopefully, with my newfound appreciation of art, I'll come up with something interest.

We'll see.

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Resolution #245: Learn How To Bind My Own Books...

Resolution #245: Learn How To Bind My Own Books...

Date: 9-2-2014

Due Date: 9-2-2014

Resolution: I finished writing my first novel at the beginning of this year.

Now what?

Though unintentional, this 365 Days of Resolution project is the perfect distraction to keep my mind off the story.

I've decided that when this project is over I'm going to focus on a second draft and will be able to with very fresh eyes.

Once I get the novel as close to complete as I can take it I would like to have it bound. Since I don't know if this novel will ever see the light of day I'd like to have at least one bound version of it before I die.

In sticking with my desire to eventually become totally self-sufficient, I'm going to spend the next year practicing the art of binding.

This will allow me to be able to create a very personalized finished copy of my work.

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Resolution #246: Draw Something Other Than Steps And Chaos On An Etch-A-Sketch!!!

Resolution #246: Draw Something Other Than Steps And Chaos On An Etch-A-Sketch!!!

Date: 9-3-2014

Due Date: 9-3-2015

Resolution: I never fully liked the Etch-A-Sketch as a kid. I think I was introduced to it while I was too young to figure out how to draw anything complex. If it weren't for my fascination with the shake to erase feature, I probably wouldn't even remember this toy.

It's now time to revisit this novelty as an adult.

First I'm interested in seeing if I can draw anything, then with practice see if I can draw anything complex.

We'll see what happens.

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Resolution #247: Test My Gazintas... To See The Highest Grade Level Of Math That I Know...

Resolution #247: Test My Gazintas... To See The Highest Grade Level Of Math That I Know...

Date: 9-4-2014

Due Date: 9-4-2014

Resolution: I've always been good at math. I was in honors classes since Jr High and finished my high school years in Honors Per-calculus.

I think I like math more than other classes because there are definite rules. If you get an answer wrong you can go back to pinpoint that exact spot where you messed up.

I also liked math because I didn't have to put any effort into studying and still managed to get good grades. I never did any homework but got good enough grades on the test to pass with a decent grade.

One teacher was mad at me for not putting more effort into my grades. I would have probably gotten A's if I just turned in a few homework assignments.

I really regret not putting effort into my early education.
Nowadays the only math I use has to do with cash handling for my job.

I often wonder how much math knowledge I retained.

To test this, I will start with a first-grade math workbook then keep going until I'm lost and note the highest grade I get to.

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Resolution #248: Stop Sleeping With My Cell Phone Near My Bed...

Resolution #248: Stop Sleeping With My Cell Phone Near My Bed...

Date: 9-5-2014

Due Date: 9-5-2015

Resolution: I've been struggling with Resolution #36 to stop sleeping with the TV on. I was good at it for about a month but then TV in bed slowly crept back into my life. I just needed something to distract me from my thoughts and music wasn't cutting it.

I don't know if it's the meds but a few days ago I was trying to sleep but my thoughts were racing. This time I wanted the silence so I could focus on what I wasn't thinking. These were positive thoughts about my projects and not self-hating thoughts about doom and gloom.

I shut off the TV and had a good night’s sleep.

The only problem was every time I woke to go to the bathroom or to grab a drink of water I found myself checking my phone. Sometimes I think I even woke up just to check the phone.

Last night I dropped into bed too exhausted to get back up when I noticed I left my phone on my desk. I slept straight through the night for the first time in years. I think part of the reason is that I knew I had no distractions anywhere within reach.

It was nice.

I'm going to continue this undistracted sleep in a silent environment.

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Resolution #249: Ease Back Into Using My CPAP Machine On A Daily Basis...

Resolution #249: Ease Back Into Using My CPAP Machine On A Daily Basis...

Date: 9-6-2014

Due Date: 9-7-2015

Resolution: Years ago, when I was at my heaviest, I was diagnosed with sleep apnea. The doctor prescribed me a CPAP machine and it worked great.

Several years later, I lost a bunch of weight, leading me to no longer needed the machine.

Last year I put back on some of the weight but I didn't feel like I needed the machine.

Now that I'm back on the crazy pills, I feel the sedative I take at night to help me sleep has brought back the sleep apnea.

Even after a good night’s sleep, I feel exhausted throughout the day. This is part of the reason why I'm starting so late tonight.

I got a good night’s sleep last night yet I was dragging ass at work all day. When I got home, I planned to take a half-hour nap. That quickly turned into a four-hour slumber and I still feel tired.

I'm hoping that going back to the CPAP machine will work as it did before so I stop feeling like I live underwater.

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Resolution #250: Come up With A Money Management System That Works For Me...

Resolution #250: Come up With A Money Management System That Works For Me...

Date: 9-7-2014

Due Date: 9-7-2015

Resolution: I've never been good with my money.

No matter how much money I've ever made I've always lived from paycheck to paycheck, sometimes from paycheck halfway to paycheck.

I'm currently stuck in a pattern where I have one paycheck that goes to rent and the rest SHOULD go toward food and regular living expenses. The second check mainly goes toward supplies needed to complete my resolutions and the only two bills that I have.

Here's what actually happens.

I get the first check right around the time rent is due. I write a check for rent and then wait for up to two weeks for it to get cashed. I justify to myself that I can buy a couple of cheap supplies for the blog. These little purchases add up and next thing you know I'm broke until payday.

The second paycheck works perfectly. Well perfectly in this paycheck to paycheck scenario. I buy supplies, eat well, pay my two bills, and run out of money right in time for payday.

I'm almost forty.

I really need to come up with a plan that allows me to build up my savings.

Hopefully, this book will help.

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Resolution #251: Take A Public Speaking Class... Alone... From The Comfort Of My Home!!!

Resolution #251: Take A Public Speaking Class... Alone... From The Comfort Of My Home!!!

Date: 9-8-2014

Due Date: 9-8-2015

Resolution: I've been a stand-up comedy nerd ever since I was a little kid. Before I dreamed of making it as a writer I always thought I'd become a comedian.

Unlike writing, stand up's always stayed in the realm of fantasy. I'm fully aware of my anxiety issues and lack of confidence to perform in front of a crowd.

A few years ago, I gave stand-up a shot. I performed four or five times in a makeshift comedy club in San Diego. I never felt an ounce of comfort while on the stage.

So, the dream fell back into the out of reach section of my fantasies.

Earlier this year I resolved to join the Toastmasters.

I was hoping this would help me overcome my fears of public speaking. I went once and was struck by the same anxiety in that tiny room of strangers that I felt on the stage.

I plan to use this free public speaking course in the same way fat people (like myself) feel the need to train first at home, to get in shape before even thinking about joining a gym.

Hopefully, this will be the baby step that I need to feel comfortable at the Toastmasters to then become comfortable enough talking to strangers to then feel comfortable enough to resolve to give stand-up comedy another shot.

We'll see what happens.

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Resolution #252: Collect All Of The Yo! MTV Raps Trading Cards...

Resolution #252: Collect All Of The Yo! MTV Raps Trading Cards...

Date: 9-9-2014

Due Date: 9-9-2015

Resolution: My first introduction to music was through my sister and cousins. They were into bands like U2, Duran Duran, Big Country, and all that other 80's stuff.

Then I went to a Jr. High that seemed to be a training ground for gangsters and other forms of degenerates. I fit in with the gangsters because I made them laugh. In return, I was introduced to rap music and instantly fell in love.

Not only did I love all the cursing but I also loved that there was always a story to a rap song, complete with a beginning middle, and end.
These songs covered every genre from Crime to Comedy to coming of age and could be epic.

Take Boyz In Da Hood for example.

I was driving my sister to school one day and the song started playing on the Sirius Old School Hip Hop station. We listen as the group is introduced trying to talk to a young man named Eazy-E to tell his story.

He wakes and noon and just knows that he has to get out of his parent's house so he can get drunk before they get bitchy.

He steps outside and notices some hooligans. He rushes back into the house to arm himself to the teeth.

He aims his gun at the chicken shit hooligans causing them to run off. He then hops inside his vehicle that's hooked up to some kind of hydrological system and turns up the Alpine Radio to listen to his own group's songs.

Then there is a nonlinear cut to another story as he starts a somewhat different song. In this story, he starts out driving.

He must be a good multitasker because as he's driving he's also able to both jock bitches and slap hos.

He decides to go to the park to see what's going on. He first notices knuckleheads playing basketball then his buddies pull up in another nice car. One yells a shout out to grand theft auto, the actual crime, not the game.

Eazy-E tells a story to his friends about an old friend, who he was just informed was on freebase, that once tried to steal his car stereo.

He tries to take this friend up the street to work things out when this jerky of a friend pulls a gun. Eazy-E then shoots him with a bigger gun and it makes the news.

Eazy-E then gets bored and decided to drive over to hang out with his drug dealer friends.

They greet him with a forty and he drinks it to the point that his breath starts to stink. Now that he's been drinking he wants to go see his girlfriend so he takes a swig of Bacardi and drives off.

He arrives at her house and apparently isn't properly greeted. A domestic dispute takes place upon entrance that quickly escalates to domestic violence. Even when the father steps in to try to help he gets knocked out.

He drives off and collects himself just in time to crash his vehicle into a telephone pole and abandons the car.

As he's walking home he notices some friends drive by. They flip a U-turn just in time to get caught by an undercover cop.

One friend gets busted while punching a cop in the head and the other friend just has warrants so they both go to jail.

This is about five minutes into the song and we got to my sister’s school. She agreed it was epic. I told her it's not even close to being over and then gave her the brief rundown of how the rest of the song went. She was pretty amazed.

Okay back to the story.

So, Eazy-E goes to get them out only to find there is no bail because they started a riot the brief time they were in.

Eazy-E then goes to the courthouse for the trial and one of his buddies lets out a fart. The judge isn't impressed and sends the bailiff over to through him back in his cell.

Before the bailiff can do anything, the other but friend yelling, "Fire." This cues a woman named Suzy to enter with a powerful machine gun.

She gets shot by the police but isn't hurt. They send her and her buddy to the big house for attempted murder.

And that's why I like rap music.


Now back to the resolution. I was also into collecting football cards when the Yo! MTV Raps cards came out. I was more excited about these cards than any sports card I owned.

I bought most of if not the complete set at one point and abandoned them somewhere during one of my many moves.

I want them back.

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Resolution #253: See At Least One Play At The Taproot Theatre Company...

Resolution #253: See At Least One Play At The Taproot Theatre Company...

Date: 9-10-2014

Due Date: 9-10-2015

Resolution: I've been somewhat fascinated by the Taproot Theatre ever since I moved up to Seattle. I first noticed it about sixteen years ago when some friends took me out to get a burrito the size of a baby from the Mexican restaurant across the street.

At that time it felt like every movie theater in Seattle was an art-house theater. Due to the location, I just figured this was another movie theater.

Years later I discovered it was a playhouse. Upon learning this I became more intrigued by how it might look on the inside than interested in seeing a play there. This was still years before I moved into my current apartment.

Now that the Taproot Theatre has been just down the street from me for over three years, I keep saying to myself, "I really need to finally check this place out sometime," as I pass it on the way to the store.

Well, this is going to be the year that I finally support the arts while getting the answers to my questions about this mysterious playhouse.

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Resolution #255: Fill This 288 Page Utility Sketchbook With Images That Create A Story...

Resolution #255: Fill This 288 Page Utility Sketchbook With Images That Create A Story...

Date: 9-12-2014

Due Date: 9-12-2015

The Resolution: Though I do enjoy drawing Predator Penguin every day as a way to gauge my progress, I need an excuse to branch out to broaden my abilities.

I have no plans to turn this Utility Sketchbook into a graphic novel. I aim to create more of a picture book that creates a story through common themes, shared imagery, and non-linear connections to prior and future pages.

I'm not fully sure how this is going to work out but it's going to be a fun challenge.

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Resolution #256: Create a Predator Penguin Costume For Doug the Truck Penguin...

Resolution #256: Create a Predator Penguin Costume For Doug the Truck Penguin...

Date: 9-13-2014

Due Date: 9-13-2015

The Resolution: I'm not sure how long my enthusiasm will last but right now, my daily drawing of Predator Penguin is my favorite part of the day.

Penguins are pretty much to blame for this whole 365 Days of Resolution experiment. My second resolution was to knit sweaters for penguins. This resolution is what transformed this project from concept to commitment.

Whether I have to buy it or create it, I'm going to add the Predator costume to Doug the Truck Penguin's list of attire.

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Resolution #257: Play A Pai Gow Video Game Like It's Real... And Track The Winnings For A Year...

Resolution #257: Play A Pai Gow Video Game Like It's Real... And Track The Winnings For A Year...

Date: 9-14-2014

Due Date: 9-14-2015

The Resolution: Pai Gow is by far my favorite game in any casino. Not only is it a fun game but due to the combination of… the way the beginning position is established… the fact that the deal goes to every spot, even if it's just you and the dealer… and the fact there are a lot of ties… you can sit at a Pai Gow table for hours with very little money.

Also if you don't know what you're doing you can just show your cards to everyone and ask for suggestions.

When I go to a real casino I only bring $35 and use a modified progressive loss betting strategy. I start by betting $5 if I win I continue to bet $5, if I lose I bump the bet up to $10. If I win with the $10 I drop back down to $5, if I lose I bump it up to $20. If I win the $20 bet I drop back down to $5, if I lose I go home.

If I'm winning a lot of money I'll bump the minimum to $10 and the max to $40. Whatever it is I keep it to three betting amounts and leave when I lose the highest amount.

I've done really well with this strategy in the past, and am interested seeing how much I could potentially win in a year. Since I'm too broke to test this strategy for real, I'm going to test it virtually.

(Note: To keep this honest I will set up two users, one specifically for Pai Gow and the second for when I just want to goof around in the casino making crazy all-in bets to rush to be a millionaire.)

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