Dateline 10-18-2016
/Yesterday I finally got started on my Android app assignment that I spent all last week putting off waiting to be stricken by inspiration. I still don't see the end product in my head but I do see the structure. I didn't spend as much time on it as I was hoping to but the work I did got me out of feel so stuck in my head.
That's pretty much all I've got today. It sucks because I feel like the part of my brain that likes to tell stories is dying out on me. Whether or not I came up with quality content, I used to be able to effortlessly ramble on about nothing to fill a page and had fun doing so. Right now, these daily posts feel more like a chore, which I hope is just another phase from feeling a little down as I would hate to live a life where I lost the joy of writing.
Hopefully, now that I'm feeling productive again my mood will lighten to the point where I can't wait to write and not just sit, staring at the computer waiting for the words to strike. At least I'll have the progress of my assignment to report on for the next couple days.
Talk to you tomorrow,
The Wicker Breaker