Dateline 11-25-2016

Though the first half hour of my morning was a little rough, I'm amazed how well I feel right now. Last night I drank a big bottle of whiskey in order to fulfill my Thanksgiving tradition and was fully expecting to pay for it today. My hangovers have been getting worse and worse as I'm getting older and older and drinking less and less but this morning I felt perfectly fine.

Alright, perfectly might not be the proper term as my stomach was a little queasy from over stuffing my fat face with festive foods and filling the gaps with low-end booze.  This led me to wake a little earlier than usual which also left me feeling a bit exhausted but I didn't have a hungover head and as soon as I threw up, all the stomach issues were resolved. This allowed me to fall back to sleep without any effort and now I'm feeling great.

I think part of the problem is that I mainly drink wine when I jump off the wagon these days. I feel wine has a more relaxing effect over beer or the hard stuff but I think it's the sweetness that leads to all the head issues of the hangover that ensues.

I don't know, it also could be that I spread out the booze over a longer period of time, drinking all day instead of powering through a bottle of wine at the end of the day just to get some sleep. Though I drank more than I usually do, I also drank at a pace where I never ended up blacking out which is usually the case with me and hard alcohol.

It's not that the how's and why's actually matter being that I probably won't drink again until New Year's where I have another tradition of staying in and drinking alone.

Oh well, I did brace myself for today being a very unproductive day of recovery, so I think I'm going to stick to the plan and relax the rest of the day away.

Talk to you tomorrow when I am back to my usually nonsense and nothingness,

The Wicker Breaker