Dateline 6-1-2016
/Alright, now that I'm no longer sick, it's time to get back on the ball.
I woke up nice and early this morning to go out and buy some gardening supplies. As I pointed out in the past, I've been impulse buying seed kits one payday to test the waters to see if I can redeem my failed resolution to create an apartment garden back when I lived in Seattle.
Now that I have an actual yard to work with I've been much more successful at my attempt. Below is a picture of a tomato plant that I started a couple months ago...
The success of this plant led me to keep going and now I have a whole collection of edibles that I started from seed.
That empty pot is actually a cantaloupe that has sprouted but it's the newest addition so it's too small to be seen. Next to that are two green bean plants that are growing like crazy. Next is a cucumber plant followed by some sage. To finish off the row we have bell peppers, basil and green onions.
This collection inspired to take gardening more serious so I signed up for a few classes and led me to buy the above ground gardening box featured in the photo below...
One of my favorite things is that I finally found something to do with the extra table I've been storing in my space and now have a work bench I can work on my potting and seeding.
I think I love this new hobby and can't wait to share my progress.
First things first, preparing the yard...
Talk to you tomorrow,
- The Wicker Breaker