Dateline 7-22-2016
/Last night I finally finished my Android app building class and I am sooooooooooo happy to finally get to move on. I really liked the class but the differences between the software version used in the class and the software version that is currently available were so subtly different that it was difficult to tell if any issues that arose stemmed from something I did wrong or from said software changes.
The troubleshooting process became so convoluted at points that I was about to give up altogether but as a completist I had to stick it out to the very end and am very happy that I did. I now have all the tools that I need to try to build an app that I think would be pretty cool.
At first, I was going to move on to my next course to clear my queue or classes to take but now I think it's time to put my efforts into a real world project to potentially make a passive penny or two as I move forward in the learning process.
Again, I'm not looking to make a million, at this point if I were able to make a dollar a day on something that I made that would be all the encouragement that I need to reassure me that I'm on the right track.
As a screenwriter, it took close to 15 years to earn a dime at my trade and that was ghostwriting something for someone else. Deep down I fear that my ambitions will be wasted on another pipe dream to live by my own terms. This may be why I feel like sticking myself in a cycle of schooling in order to avoid continued feelings of defeat. Now it's time to test the waters to challenge the fears and move forward.
First, I need to brainstorm the structure of the app I have in mind. I'm very excited about this because not only do I get to work on my own ideas and not just follow an already establish app, but I plan to prototype on paper allowing me to take a break from sitting in from of my computer all day. I can't wait to just sit on the couch and scribble without easy access to the horrifying news of the day.
I may also be able to fit in a movie or two to play as I work. All this in time for the weekend while I don't have my day job to worry about.
Alright, time to get to work!!!
Talk to you tomorrow,
- The Wicker Breaker