Dateline 7-3-2016
/I think I'm finally figuring out how to function as a once in a while drunk.
Ever since moving back to California I've been drinking less and less; going from a daily drunk, to a weekend warrior to the point now where I could really tell you the last time I got drunk without scrolling back through my post to find the last time I was bitching about not being able to function now that I barely drink.
I don't really know what I did differently but last night I had a threw on a drunk and though I struggled to get out of bed, once I committed to waking for the day I was ready to go. I did some prep work for my future garden, fit in my daily workout that I restarted on the first and cleaned my room because my cousin is coming over later tonight.
Sure these efforts are much to brag about but I'm doing way better than my useful bed bound, hungover mess of a man that I thought I was evolving to be. I don't if this is a good thing, a bad thing, or a thing at all but I will take it because I am not a fan of this newly developed hangover thing that's been going on.
It's not that it matters, after tonight I'll be back on the wagon for a while.
Oh well, that's what I've got for today.
Talk to you tomorrow,
- The Wicker Breaker