Dateline 1-31-2017
/It's time for another garden update!!!
Since I am using the trial and error process as I learn to garden, I'm never fully confident that I am doing anything right. What little studying up that I've done gets a little confused because they talk about stuff like frost, seasons, and other natural occurrences that you just don't get in Southern California. I've always just assumed that every season was gardening season since moving back to San Diego.
Since the bulk of my Facebook feed still resides up north in Seattle, I started seeing posts how the growing season was over. I figured that I had a little more time so I gave up all my crazy germination strategies and just threw all the seeds I owned into the ground. My thinking was that if it truly was off season nothing would grow either way, so I could wait with seeds in the ground to see what happens or stare at the dirt for three more months.
At first, I thought the latter was going to happen either way. Though the seed started to sprout the location of the garden makes it so they barely get any sun during this time of year. The more time passed, the more things grew. Then the storms started at what seemed to be the perfect time.
There seemed to be about a month where I didn't have to do anything at all. When I woke in the morning the ground seemed damp enough to skip the watering for the day. These plants were also developed enough not to be washed away.
Now I have a pretty solid community of plants that may be a bit over populated but I'm just happy to see anything grow. I'll let you know as soon as anything edible makes an appearance.
Other than that, I will talk to you soon with my normal nonsense,
The Wicker Breaker