Dateline 4-24-2017

Alright, tomorrow is my first day of jury duty, an obligation that has been festering in the back of my mind as I now dread any scheduling that is out of my hands since switching to a freelance/work from home lifestyle where I actually have control over what and when I want to do things.

Though I love this freedom, I can totally see how it's fueling my social anxiety/agoraphobic tendencies. I'm not quite to the point where you have to drag me out of my space kicking and screaming anytime I have to go out and adult for a while but I do feel the stress over any upcoming event from the second I'm informed of the set schedule until the whole thing is over and done with.

Even when the event in question is something that I actually look forward to, I still dread looking forward to having to stick to someone else's schedule. It doesn't help that I no longer drive because where I used to be able to bail out on my own terms, I'm now always stuck to the whim of whoever decides to drive.

All of this said, I'm actually intrigued by how tomorrow will play out. It's been over two years since I've had any interaction with the public. Sure, I see people at the store and will engage in pleasantries with the cashiers but other than that, I couldn't tell you the last time I interacted with a stranger. Then again, I don't recall talking to any other potential jurors either of the last times I checked in to fulfill my civic duty.

 Well, we'll see how things turn out and being that it starts so early, I'll probably be checking in after I'm done with tomorrow's Daily Breaker where I will share anything interesting that I can legal share about any observations I have.

Talk to you then,

The Wicker Breaker